did you change your hair? you might wanna think about it not really. nowhere. hi, daddy. is there even a question that we want her to stay? now don't get upset. daddy, but there's this boy. and i think he might ask. what if she never starts dating? but it's not fair -- she's a mutant, daddy! but she doesn't want to date. can we make this quick? roxanne korrine and andrew barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad. again. not the hacking and gagging and spitting part. please. you're asking me out. that's so cute. what's your name again? no, no, it's my fault -- we didn't have a proper introduction --- the thing is, cameron -- i'm at the mercy of a particularly hideous breed of loser. my sister. i can't date until she does. the problem is, she's completely anti-social. unsolved mystery. she used to be really popular when she started high school, then it was just like she got sick of it or something. gosh, if only we could find kat a boyfriend. c'esc ma tete. this is my head i don't want to know how to say that though. i want to know useful things. like where the good stores are. how much does champagne cost? stuff like chat. i have never in my life had to point out my head to someone. forget french. how is our little find the wench a date plan progressing? show me give me a sign when he walks by. and don't point. where? my god, he's repulsive. he's so perfect! have you ever considered a new look? i mean, seriously, you could have some potential buried under all this hostility. can you at least start wearing a bra? a "copine" is someone you can count on. an "ami" is someone who makes promises he can't keep. i counted on you to help my cause. you and that thug are obviously failing. aren't we ever going on our date? you're sweet. eber's deep conditioner every two days. and i never, ever use a blowdryer without the diffuser attachment. you did? i think i like the white shirt expensive? hopefully. have you heard about bogey lowenstein's party? i really, really, really wanna go, but i can't. not unless my sister goes. lesbian? no. i found a picture of jared leto in one of her drawers, so i'm pretty sure she's not harboring same-sex tendencies. who knows? all i've ever heard her say is that she'd dip before dating a guy that smokes. can you turn down the screaming menstrual bitches? i'm trying to study. don't tell me you're actually going out? on a school night, no less. oh my god, does this mean you're becoming normal? oh, i thought you might have a date i don't know why i'm bothering to ask, but are you going to bogey lowenstein's party saturday night? i think you're a freak. i think you do this to torture me. and i think you suck. she's obviously not going. daddy, i -- if you must know, we were attempting to go to a small study group of friends. it's just a party. daddy, but i knew you'd forbid me to go since "gloria steinem" over there isn't going -- daddy, people expect me to be there! you're ruining my life' because you won't be normal, i can't be normal. bogey lowenstein's party is normal, but you're too busy listening to bitches who need prozac to know that. can't you forget for just one night that you're completely wretched? like i'm supposed to know what that even means. yeah, he's your freak friend mandella's boyfriend. i guess since i'm not allowed to go out, i should obsess over a dead guy, too. it's just a party. daddy. daddy, no! you are so completely unbalanced. why? bianca keeps walking, ignoring kat where did he go? he was just here. joey. hi. you know chastity? would you mind getting me a drink, cameron? surprise me. queen harry? neat. i'll be right back. he practically proposed when he found out we had the same dermatologist. i mean. dr. bonchowski is great an all, but he's not exactly relevant party conversation. combination. i don't know -- i thought he'd be different. more of a gentleman. sometimes i wonder if the guys we're supposed to want to go out with are the ones we actually want to go out with, you know? i really don't think i need any social advice from you right now. dinner taste better on the way out? i don't get you. you act like you're too good for any of this, and then you go totally apeshit when you get here. i have to be home in twenty minutes. tons cameron? do you think you could give me a ride home? i was? well, no. but hi, joey. you know the deal. i can ' t go if kat doesn't go -- since when? quick question -- are you going to the prom? then guillermo says, "if you go any lighter, you're gonna look like an extra on 90210." do you listen to this crap? me. this endless . blonde babble. i'm like, boring myself. what good stuff? like my fear of wearing pastels? i'm kidding. you know how sometimes you just become this "persona"? and you don't know how to quit? okay -- you're gonna need to learn how to lie. daddy, i want to discuss the prom with you. it's tomorrow night -- no, but he's not a "hot rod". whatever that is. fine. i see that i'm a prisoner in my own house. i'm not a daughter. i'm a possession! come in. like you care. i wish i had that luxury. i'm the only sophomore that got asked to the prom and i can't go, because you won ' t. what? why? but you hate joey as in. you did what? but why didn't you tell me? no. you didn't! if you really thought i could make my own decisions, you would've let me go out with him instead of helping daddy hold me hostage. i'm not stupid enough to repeat your mistakes. god, you're just like him! just keep me locked away in the dark, so i can't experience anything for myself i guess i'll never know, will i? come in. hi, mommy. you like? my date should be here in five. i have a date, daddy. and he ' s not a captain of oppression like some men we know. let's go. what are you doing here? i did. that's for making my date bleed that's for my sister. and that's for me. are you sure you don't want to come with us? it'll be fun. you looked beautiful last night, you know. i hope so. let go! i just wanted -- no! i just wanted yes! okay? yes -- i'm the real bitch. i wanted her to get a boyfriend so i could. apparently, this makes me a horrible person. i'm sorry. i swear -- i didn't know about the money. i didn't even know joey was involved. i would never intentionally hurt you, kat. we'll be getting back to you. is that woman a complete fruit-loop or is it just me? they do not! he's more than freaked. he's froke patrick -- is that- a.