i don't think so, ma'am so they tell me. north, actually. how'd you ? yeah. a couple. we're outnumbered by the cows, though. thirty-two. how many people go here? that i'm used to. so where do you fit in all this? that girl -- i -- who is she? why not? why do girls like that always like guys like that? he always have that shit-eating grin? sure do . my mom's from canada you mean i'd get a chance to talk to her? you all right? that's her? bianca's sister? well, i thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you. okay. then how 'bout we try out some french cuisine. saturday? night? forget it. cameron. seems like she could get a date easy enough. why? that's a shame. let me see what i can do. i teach her french, get to know her, dazzle her with charm and she falls in love with me. what about him? no - he could wrangle with the sister. he seems like he thrives on danger they always let felons sit in on honors biology? forget his reputation. do you think we've got a plan or not? that's what i just said i thought you hated those people. so now all we gotta do is talk to him. hey, there later, then. you got him involved? you're one brilliant guy right. see? you're ready for the quiz. that's because it's such a nice one. well, there's someone i think might be there. i guess he didn't see me some other time -- la copine et i 'ami? la diferance? you got something on your mind? you have my word. as a gentleman how do you get your hair to look like that? you know, i read an article about that. we wanted to talk to you about the plan. and he means that strictly in a non- prison-movie type of way. this is it. a golden opportunity. patrick can ask katarina to the party. will bogey get bent? sure have. i'm workin' on it. but she doesn't seem to be goin' for him. she's not a. so that's the kind of guy she likes? pretty ones? all right. what else is she partial to? i've retrieved certain pieces of information on miss katarina stratford i think you'll find helpful. number one. she hates smokers her favorite uncle another thing. bianca said that kat likes -- pretty guys. okay! i wasn't sure okay -- likes: thai food, feminist prose, and "angry, stinky girl music of the indie-rock persuasion". gigglepuss is playing there tomorrow night. it's her favorite band. so, then she says that she almost didn't wear the kenneth coles with that dress because she thought she was mixing, you know, genres. and the fact that i noticed -- and i'm quoting here - "really meant something." hell, i've just been going over the whole thing in my head and - i'm just the new guy. is it about me? evening, ladies. looks like things worked out tonight, huh? i believe we share an art instructor certainly pabst? old milwaukee? raijieer? the hell is that? what kind of 'guy just picks up a girl and carries her away while you're talking to her? no, i ' m not. she used me! she wants to go out with dorsey. not me. i'm an idiot! it's off. the whole thing. she's partial to joey, not me sure have fun tonight? i looked for you back at the party, but you always seemed to be "occupied". you never wanted to go out with 'me, did you? then that's all you had to say. you always been this selfish? just because you're beautiful, doesn't mean you can treat people like they don't matter. and i'm back in the saddle. what'd you do to her? you realize this puts the whole operation in peril. why can't you just tell her you're sorry? she hates you with the fire of a thousand suns . that's a direct quote she kissed me. you humiliated the woman! sacrifice yourself on the altar of dignity and even the score. you get the girl. no. what crap? thank god! if i had to hear one more story about your coiffure. i figured you'd get to the good stuff eventually. the "real you". no wow admit it. you lost. be a man. she okay? i'd like to express my apologies. i didn't mean for you to get -- when bianca asked me to find you a boyfriend, i had no idea it would turn out so -- ugly. i would never have done anything to compromise your - - - they do to! can someone please tell her that sunflower seeds come from sunflowers?