cameron and bianca lean against the wall -inconspicuously. bianca plays it cool. patrick, scurvy and some other randoms head for the exit kat stands at her locker, gathering her books. patrick appears at her side, smiling. patrick shuts his graffiti-encrusted locker, revealing joey's angry visage, glowering next to him. joey stands ac his open locker with bianca. the locker is an homage to joey's "modeling" career. cheesy print ads of him -- running in a field of daisies, petting a kitten, etc. -- adorn the locker door. cameron and michael are at michael's locker. mandella is at her locker. drawings of william shakespeare adorn the door. she looks at them with a sigh, then ties her silk scarf tightly around her neck, in an attempt to cut off her air supply. chastity rounds the corner and bends down to get a drink from the water fountain. mandella struggles with the lock on her locker. finally, it opens. kat stomps up the hallway, full of menace