as opposed to a bitter self-righteous hag who has no friends? lookin' good, ladies. the vintage look is over, kat. haven't you been reading your sassy? they're running the rest of me next month. need a ride, ladies? are you lost? we don't chat. we're not. does this conversation have a purpose? that guy? i heard he ate a live duck once. everything but the beak and the feet. what's in it for you? what do you think? yeah, whatever. i want you to go out with her. you just said but you'd go out with her if you had the cake? you got it, verona. i pick up the tab, you do the honors. i can't date her sister until that one gets a boyfriend. and that's the catch. she doesn't want a boyfriend. twenty bucks each time you take her out. fine, thirty. take it or leave it. this isn't a negotiation. not at all you fucking bitch! when i shell out fifty, i expect results. watching the bitch trash my car doesn't count as a date. let me put it to you this way, if you don't get any action, i don't get any action. so get your ass on hers by the end of the week. what? forget it. you better hope you're as smooth as you think you are, verona. which do you like better? it's more exactly so, you going to bogey lowenbrau's thing on saturday? good, 'cause i'm not gonna bother if you won't be there. hey. dingo boingo i hear you're helpin' verona. you and verona? what's your gig in all this? you better not fuck this up. i'm heavily invested. lookin' fresh tonight, pussy-kat where ya goin? your sister here? and why would i do that? just who i was looking for. so yeah, i've got the sears catalog thing going -- and the tube sock gig " that's gonna be huge. and then i'm up for an ad for queen harry next week. it's a gay cruise line, but i'll be, like, wearing a uniform and stuff. my agent says i've got a good shot at being the prada guy next year. my man a deal's a deal. how'd you do it? get her to act like a human a bunch of us are going to jaret's house. wanna come? then, c'mon. maybe next time -- kat, babe, you were on fire. maybe we should ask verona don't talk to me about the sweetest date. that little halo bianca is gonna be prone and proven on prom night. six virgins in a row. enough with the barbie n' ken shit. i know. take it hey, sweet cheeks. you're concentrating awfully hard considering it's gym class. listen, i want to talk to you about the prom. your sister is going. i'm taking care of it. i'm here to pick up bianca. what's bianca doing here with that cheese dick? i didn't pay you to let some little punk ass snake me. i'm not your brother, white boy. just so you know -- she'll only spread her legs once.