i'm sure you won't find padua any different than your old school. same little asswipe mother-fuckers everywhere. any questions? then go forth. scoot i've got deviants to see. patrick verona. i see we're making our visits a weekly ritual. it says here you exposed yourself to a group of freshmen girls. with the teeth of your zipper? katarina stratford. my, my. you've been terrorizing ms. blaise again. well, yes, compared to your other choices of expression this year, today's events are quite mild. by the way, bobby rictor's gonad retrieval operation went quite well, in case you're interested. the point is kat -- people perceive you as somewhat . no . i believe "heinous bitch" is the term used most often. you might want to work on that i don't understand, patrick. you haven't done anything asinine this week. are you not feeling well? i'm at a loss, then. what should we talk about? your year of absence? why don't we discuss your driving need to be a hemorrhoid? you weren't abused, you aren't stupid, and as far as i can tell, you're only slightly psychotic -- so why is it that you're such a fuck-up? fine. go do something repugnant and give us something to talk about next week. you're completely demented. you two know each other? dear god, stay away from her. if you two ever decided to breed, evil would truly walk the earth. ladies? shall we take a trip to my office? so you're the real bitch do you care to respond? just smack her now. what, no hug?