i hope dinner's ready because i only have ten minutes before mrs. johnson squirts out a screamer. make anyone cry today? hello, precious. what's this? it says sarah lawrence? sarah lawrence is on the other side of the country. i thought we decided you were going to school here. at u of 0. who drove you home? no! you're not dating until your sister starts dating. end of discussion. then neither will you. and i'll get to sleep at night. enough! do you know what this is? this is why you're not dating until your sister does. exactly my point jesus! can a man even grab a sandwich before you women start dilating? you're not helping. my insurance does not cover pms is this about sarah lawrence? you punishing me? why can't we agree on this? as a parent, that's my right you're eighteen. you don't know what you want. you won't know until you're forty-five and you don't have it. christ! i want a night to go by that i'm not staring a contraction in the face. and where're you going? otherwise known as an orgy? do you know about any party? katarina? if kat's not going, you're not going. what's a bogey lowenstein? girls oh, god. it's starting. wear the belly before you go. just for a minute i want you to realize the weight of your decisions. promise me you won't talk to any boys unless your sister is present. because she'll scare them away. pirate -- no question. the prom? kat has a date? it's that hot rod joey, right? that ' s who you want me to bend my rules for? you're not going unless your sister goes. end of story. you know what happens at proms? kissing? is that what you think happens? kissing isn't what keeps me up to my elbows in placenta all day. what do you wanna watch? we've got crap, crap, crap or crap walter scurries takes off his glasses and looks from bianca to sharon. i'm missing something. but -- who -- what --? what just happened? did i have anything to say about it? that ' s what i thought late was that your sister? funny. i don't understand the allure of dehydrated food. is this something i should be hip to? so tell me about this dance. was it fun? which parts? bianca did what? no -- impressed. you know, fathers don't like to admit that their daughters are capable of running their own lives. it means we've become spectators. bianca still lets me play a few innings. you've had me on the bleachers for years. when you go to sarah lawrence, i won't even be able to watch the game. oh, christ. don't tell me you've changed your mind. i already sent 'em a check.