this one is rudy's. only one way to find out. your father and i are going to pay to have your birthmark removed. i forgot to deposit your paycheck last week. i know. with the cookout and everything, i forgot. i'll deposit it tomorrow. the holiday should buy us an extra day. i just did. no, rudy loved my deviled eggs. it's right that i make them. where's the paprika? maybe i threw it out. it's okay. no, they're wrong. call them back. this is all your fault. if we had gone to the hearings like i said, this wouldn't be happening. you agreed. tell him. tell your son. a year. that's what your brother's life is worth. a damn year! how can you be so unaffected by this! how? our son was murdered! so that makes it okay? jeff laskey is dead. he committed suicide in his jail cell last night. sally yngve called just now to tell me. no, a monster that murdered my son died. justice is served; end of story. you like it? jim, jacob still has one more present. after serious debate, your father and i have decided. to adopt a baby! we're home. could you come downstairs for a minute. we have a surprise for you. i was looking at a picture of you and rudy when you were born. god, i miss him. what the hell does that mean? we didn't adopt keith to replace rudy. for your information, your father and i discussed adopting for years. how can you say that? i never wanted either of my children to die. i know you think we favored rudy. i admit he was easier to raise, but we didn't love him more. jacob, listen to me. you came with a different set of challenges. it's not easy being different. i know. i'm sorry if that is how you feel. you do the best you can as a parent. you don't always know what's right. but you're my son. i'd do anything for you. i'd fight for you, i'd kill for you, i'd die for you. it's true. and as unchristian as it sounds, i still want the boy that killed rudy dead. someday, when you grow up, you'll understand what i mean. someday.