this hospital is a nightmare. the elevator is never there when you need it. haley took sara up to the maternity ward. you're lucky you didn't get killed. you try being awakened at four o'clock in the morning by the police saying, they have your son, he's unconscious and on his way to the hospital. i've never been so scared in my life. and poor rudy. eat this. it'll make you feel better. hospital food is always bland. this has flavor. what are you saying, condition? what condition? oh my god! is it serious? what do we do? he can't eat. i can't believe this is happening. no, this is all for you. your favorites; fried chicken, spaghetti, pizza, french fries, and chocolate cheesecake for dessert. i made everything extra spicy, so you can taste it. so you're not even gonna try it? forget it. don't eat. it's unhealthy. what the hell is this? why? leonard, put everything back. just put everything back and go to sleep. that boy is going to bring the entire house down. girls, have you decided what you're going to go as for halloween? that's nice. haley? what do you mean, a marble? be careful now. have a good night. kids keep coming later every year. who? what happened? i am going to ask you this once, and i want a straight answer. are you in a cult? this is what happens when kids join cults. the first thing they change is their diets. the issue here is that you have stolen one of the most exciting nights of the year from your sisters. no! i'm not staying here all alone. besides, you said it yourself, you've been going for years. give your sisters a chance. your father and i aren't rich. you can't get a new wardrobe anytime you want. wear a belt. no. he's gonna gain all his weight back in a few months. what? it's true. leonard? leonard, what's wrong? i'm calling 9-1-1! if i go downstairs, i won't be able to make it back up. let me call 9-1-1 first, okay? get me out of here now! that's what this is about, food? my life is fine. i don't need you to "save me". when pat calls, and i don't answer, he'll know something is wrong. he'll know. i'll be fine. open this door now! let me out, god damn it! leonard! leonard! leonard, don't you smell that? oh god, he can't. leonard! leonard, the gas is on! no! leonard! leonard, my mother died at 52. we had to cremate her body because they didn't make a coffin big enough for her to fit in. even if they had, no one could have carried it. i loved her so much. i don't want that to happen to me. even if i can manage the food. can you honestly see me, running a marathon? i'll try. i told him there was a gas leak. i know what you meant. i didn't tell him. i don't think i will.