friend or family? the person who died. i'm sorry. you'll like dr. chung. this is only my second session, but she's good. oh. i can see the resemblance. dr. chung's daughter. gus. i don't go to lunch for another ten minutes. the last time i saw you, you had just come from a funeral. how are you doing? what are you doing to "get crazy"? yeah, that's totally nuts. good for you. when is it? cause i'm gonna go. you gotta have somebody rooting for ya. besides, i like music, and i owe you for bringing me lunch. i'll be there. i'll be there. front row. same. still can't sleep. when i do, nightmares. yeah. but why now? i haven't fought fires in ten years. what does that mean? a friend was making good money with construction. he got an offer to build that extension off lindsay acres. he suggested i come into town and work for a while. "light my fire" is always playing. light my fire. the doors song. "da da something. wallow in the mire. da, da. we couldn't get much higher. come on baby light my fire. malee. you were awesome. you were great. yeah. good song. what made you pick it? really? is she here? she missed out. yeah well, i have to go, but thanks again. i had a great time. i can't take your halloween candy. maybe just a snickers. to be honest, i can't wait till this job is finished. this place is creepy. you know, a boy died here like right before we started working. you knew him? that was him? malee? my god, you look. beautiful. you look beautiful. i bet you're driving the boys at school wild. you don't want somebody that much older than you. an age difference can cause problems. a lot of times when a couple has an age difference, they wind up splitting up because they want different things. no. no, but when i was a kid. i did, but it didn't work out. about my age. hello? you've been in my apartment before, haven't you? malee, stop. to go call your mother. it's my fault. i knew she had a crush on me. i guess, i felt bad for her. she's a very unhappy girl. i slept last night. i can't remember the last time i slept so deep or so sound. i don't remember dreaming or anything. one of the last fires i ever fought was a brownstone, beautiful. the place was burned from roof to basement. whole family was wiped out. when i was upstairs, inspecting, i found a girl. she couldn't have been more than 12. exactly what she wanted. i placed my hand over her mouth and what was left of her nose, and i. i killed her. i told myself it was the right thing to do, but i've never been sure. when i saw her last night, she had the same look on her face as that girl. she just wanted me to take away her pain. i understand. malee?