you see `em? what the hell is that? maybe i should have mom look at it. jason from "friday the 13th" wears one. he's bad ass. you think jeff and kenny will come back? no, it's stupid cause now they're gonna come back here and kick all our asses. all i'm saying is, who cares if they tear it down. nothing lasts forever. what is it? "plastic surgery. isn't it about time?" i don't get it. you got me surgery for my birthday? it's not "cool". it totally sucks! this isn't about the play station. it's about this thing on my face. everybody hates it. who cares what you think? you're the reason for all of this. perfect you with your perfect skin. there to show the world what i'm supposed to look like. you know, sometimes i just wish i wasn't your twin. mom and dad would kill us. it's just a treehouse. you don't have to go if you don't want to. rudy. what? it's my problem. i don't feel that way. jeff and kenny were the ones that started the fire. it was their fault. or maybe mine. i should of been there. i wish it was. you know the last thing rudy said to me? he said, i can't be a pussy all my life. he was right, i am. and rudy might be dead because of it. they can't help me. what if it doesn't? my dad hasn't gone back to work yet. what if he loses his job. we could lose our house. i could be homeless. we're best friends. we. what? i just want to get out of here. cause he's dead. i'm his brother. was. and i'm not joking. he's dead. why? what's going on? mom, what happened? no. no. the sentencing thing totally upset my mom. she was up half the night, crying. i want them dead. i want to kill them. i could handle a year in juvy hall. so i'm just supposed to sit here and take it? be like you guys. you seem to have gone on with life pretty easily. don't you miss him? don't you care? life goes on. i don't think my parents would be up for that. bye, dad. where's jeff? i hate you. you know that? you bastard. me? every night, i lie in bed and plan your murder. first i'm going to take a kitchen knife and chop off your fingers then your nose then your tongue. then i'm gonna poke out your eyes with the end of a broomstick. well, not really poke them out, but i'm gonna push them back into your brain. then i'm gonna take scissors and cut off your ears. when they find you, it's gonna be like putting a jigsaw puzzle back together. so? what do i have to look forward to? you've already destroyed my life. there are no accidents. you're gonna pay for what you did. and it's gonna hurt like hell. dad? you okay? me? yeah? do i have to? good night, dad. you just think about what i said. get out of my sight. and send kenny in on your way out. i thought you'd both like to know that halloween was rudy's favorite holiday. after we'd go trick or treating, we'd sit in our room and swap the candy we hated. rudy loved snickers, i almond joys. what sucks is that i'll never get to sit in my room and swap candy with my brother ever again. thanks to you. to remind you. no one is forcing you to talk to me. is your cell small? so is a coffin. what happened to him? good. free country. i'll come if i want. why are you smiling? a boy died. that's terrible. i'm sorry, kenny. no. an ipod! sweet! i love it. you guys went crazy this year. no, do it now! now! what? no, but it's like they're trying to replace rudy. i'll get the drinks. hide what? i won't. that's a gun. where'd you get it? why can't you keep it? is it loaded? nobody has the combination, but me. besides, i could be building a bomb in here, and they wouldn't even know. i sent in some comics for ya. the x-men one is pretty sweet. i better get going, i don't want to miss my bus. what? how can they do that? so you're getting out. gonna head back to school, or. you can't leave the state. that violates your probation. you'll have to. your mom will. i thought you hated going to florida? you're still ugly, though. she's probably jealous. maybe you should put her on that diet. if you really want her to drop a few tons, put her in jail. kenny's lost about 30 pounds since he's been incarcerated, and he was already thin. yeah. jail is the perfect weight loss program. you take a fat tub, throw them in a room and force them to eat right and exercise. don't let them out till they do. hi. you get top bunk. sucks to be you. fuck you, it's a birthmark! when my parents said they were taking in an orphan, i pictured a baby. so what happened, your parents die or something? you gonna try and find your mother when you're 18? oh, but it's okay to just show up one day and disrupt mine? he's not some baby. he's like 10. no. but can you believe it? he's a person not a fucking vase. i gotta get out of there. i can't live in that house for one more day. i want to go with you to new mexico. so. no, i won't. that's not what this is about. that was an accident. where the hell did you get this? did i say you could play with the glove? did i? everything, and i mean, everything in this room is mine. you are not allowed to touch a thing, especially the glove. if you tell my parents what i said, i'll kill you. i'll shoot you in the fucking face, i swear it! what's wrong now? but you have keith now you have keith. two boys again. everything is fine. didn't you? right. maybe if it was me who died, you wouldn't need another kid to get over it. but one of us did. if you had to choose which one, i bet you wish it was me. you did! admit it. my birthmark. i'm not different!! you always made me feel like something was wrong. there's nothing wrong with me. no, you don't! it's like you don't know how to deal with me. you never did. rudy used to say that exact same thing. cool. no. i'll be there. i guess. i know. i'm here. if people see me riding around in the middle of the night, we're screwed. you didn't bring a disguise? yeah, but if we cut through the construction site, we'll hit the railroad tracks. it's faster and no one will bother us. i can't do this. i can't let you leave, kenny. you have to pay for what you did. you killed him. i gotta do this. for my family. it's the only way. i know. but i can't be a pussy all my life. you're awake. it's yours. just don't leave it outside. if it gets wet, the leather will crack. just a b-b gun. i returned it to a friend of mine. i'm sorry for being such an asshole to ya. yeah. we're brothers. huh? oh, yeah. whatever you get me will be fine. never better.