okay, you got your small gifts this morning. now for the big ones. since neither of you wanted a party this year, we were able to splurge. go ahead, read it. isn't that great. not just one. a series of them. jacob? i already told you, gabe, i'm not selling that land. not 30 acres not five. i'm not gonna let you tear down those woods, so you can stack twenty houses right on top of each other. no! my kids. hell, your kids play in those woods all the time. you can't put a price on that. ashley? what is it? but i already wrote some checks. write yourself a note so you don't forget again. gabe, are you still interested in buying the land? because i accept your offer. buy the woods, gabe, please. tear them down and build. build houses, condos, a 7-11, i don't care. i just don't want to recognize it ever again. ashley, i talked to the lawyer. he wouldn't lie. me? we agreed it would be too painful. the boys who killed rudy cut a deal. they got a year in juvinile hall and five years probation. ashley, calm down! it was an accident, and the boys are juveniles. jacob. fantastic. jacob. i love you. will you join me? join me in this celebration of life. a symbolic gesture of cleaning out the old and bringing in the new. no, you don't have to. what? i'm going to shower. i thought we were going to wait. we're gonna adopt a baby. hopefully a boy. this is keith gardner. you're new brother. keith our son, jacob.