you and your deformed brother are dead! they're fucking dead! me and jeff are gonna pay that tree house of yours a little visit tonight. free country, asshole. i did until yesterday. i'll finish this tonight! now yours. and aim for the window. wake up! wake up, kid! he's sick. i think he. rudy knew we were going to be there. he never should have come. you want the truth, all this happened cause of you. yeah, you deformed retard! the only reason we started picking on you guys in the first place was because of that thing on your face. i'm shaking. if you kill me, you come here. what happened was an accident. what did you say to him? stop it. almond joy sucks. why are you doing this? how could we forget? you been coming here for months to "remind us". anything to get out of my cell. yes. you're not the only one who wishes he was still alive. i'd do anything to bring him back, but i can't. it's not easy being in here. hell, you saw jeff. he pissed off the wrong guy off. jeff is totally fucked right now. don't come back here ever again. don't expect me to show up. he used his bed sheet, waited until lights out and then jumped. his cell mate let him hang there the entire night. like you even give a shit. i bet when you heard, you started dancing. i knew he wouldn't make it. it's my fault too. jeff wasn't a saint when i met him, but he sure as hell wasn't headed here. that fucking asshole! that last batch was awesome. before you go, i got some news. apparently, the parole board feels i've been a model prisoner, so they're giving me early release. i don't know. they just did. you're pissed, aren't you? i knew you would be. it was an accident, jacob. fuck school. i'm going to live with my dad in new mexico. he's working on a ranch out there. my dad won't tell anyone. no one will even care i'm out there. jacob, in the entire time i've been locked up, you were the only one who came to see me. trust me, she won't care. you're blaming me for this? maybe this is the only way they can get over rudy's death. i know. no way. you've never even been out on the road. it's not easy. after first night falls, you'll be pissing yourself. you don't need me to run away from home. yes, it is. and you want to come with me of all people. are you forgetting, i was the one who killed rudy! if this is what you want. alright. tonight, we ride. we got sleeping bags, a tent, canteens and a lantern. you're acting weird. you gonna chicken out? you better not. i already packed twice the amount of shit. i can't carry it all alone. good. i'm telling you, man. it's gonna be great. come on. you can't be a pussy all your life. i'll see you tonight. don't be late. you're late. put this on. who gives a shit what i'm up to. good point. what's wrong? what?! son of a bitch! i knew it. i knew you'd chicken. whoa, whoa hold on. alright, i. i won't go. i'll stay here. i'll do my probation. jacob, i told ya, it. it was an accident. i swear. please, don't. this isn't you.