mom, i need help. move it, people. outta my way! yeah well, i began menstruating this morning, and i had some difficulty inserting the tampon. what? it's a natural process. you know, i could conceive, carry and birth a child right now. but i could. that's what matters. wanna race? you did what? you guys, it's your birthday. could you try and get along? ma, i. oops. i'm sorry. i said, i was sorry. rudy and jacob went for pizza with their parents. but, mom. keep it moving. this ain't a show. huh? friend. i'm not a patient. i'm her daughter. are you trying to make me sick? it was a funeral, mom. how do you think it was? i know it's okay to cry. i don't need you to tell me, it's okay to cry. if i want to cry, i'll cry. it's gone! it's all gone! you wouldn't have been able to do anything. and it could have been you who died. don't say that. why don't you talk to your parents about this? give them time. it'll get better. then you'll stay with me. oh my god. that guy. i like know him. he's one of my mother's patients. i've never seen a patient of hers actually out and about. should we go over and say "hi"? don't i know you? you remembered. we were never introduced. my name is malee. i was in the mood for a picnic. i thought this would be a nice place to have one. would you like to join me? there's plenty of food. i'll wait. meet me by the cement mixer when you're ready. okay. death is like so weird. i mean, it's sad, but i also feel like i've been given this sign. a sign which is telling me, life is short, so you gotta do what makes you happy. you gotta take chances. you gotta get crazy. i play the flute. no, not that. see, every year my school has this recital. i've always been too scared to play a solo in front of people, but this year i've decided to do it. why do you care? what? you can't go! nobody goes to these things. i don't even think my mom is going. okay. tuesday at 8:30 in the junior high school auditorium. don't say it if you don't mean it. whoa, what those guys did was an accident. if you were to kill them, it's premedicated. you'd get 20 years to life at least. it's not that we don't care. it's just. it does. you have to deal with it. if you don't, it could like eat you alive forever. 90 percent of people's problems is due to their inability to get over the past. my mom tells that to all her patients. i've eavesdropped on some of her therapy sessions. no. anyway, she says, if a person wants closure, they gotta deal with their problems head on. go see these guys and let them know how you feel. go alone. juvy hall is only like forty minutes from here. take the bus. thank you, mr. farmer. what? i can't hear you? where's jacob? oh my god! he's coming over. shut up! leave now. really? be honest. i'd rather you tell me i sucked then lie. excuse me for a second. so you really enjoyed it? oh, uh. my mother was humming it all last week. big doors fan. no. you're so sweet. you'll be doing me a favor. chocolate gives you zits. besides, if i want to keep this firm ass as an adult, i gotta develop good eating habits now. so work is good? rudy. his name was rudy. he was one of my best friends. remember that funeral i went to? i thought you knew. two boys threw a flaming cocktail at him. can you imagine killing someone like that? how evil can you get? why do i have to do this? it's christmas break. just because you're an atheist, i don't get to celebrate the holidays. i'm going for a bike ride. the streets are ploughed. besides, i like looking at all the lights. freeze! that's right. since when do you watch 60 minutes? i'm thirsty. can you get us some drinks? because it's the gentlemanly thing to do. i'll go with you. because you've upset me, and i don't want to see you right now. i need a favor. it's big. i need you to hide something for me. promise, you won't freak. you said, you wouldn't freak! i know. i can't tell you. i just need you to hide it for a while. when all is cool, i'll come for it. my mother is a total snoop. she goes through my stuff like all the time. please, jacob. somebody's life might depend on it. no, but i do have some bullets. 200 dollars! dad sent me 200 dollars! you're acting weird. what's going on? well, do you want to come with me to the mall and spend it? i got a new look. you know, for spring. what do you think? beautiful? contacts. it took me like forty five minutes to get them in, but beauty is pain. different? i felt like i needed a change, you know? boys my age are so immature. i'm more attracted to older gentlemen. what kind of problems? you mean sex. are you impatient? why don't you have a girlfriend? how old was she? see that, age wasn't an issue, yet you still wanted different things. i don't think it's about age. is that dad? can i talk to him? well, what do you expect? all you ever do is yell at him. he's my dad! i'm sorry if it bothers you, but i love him. you keep this up then one day, when i'm old enough, i'll leave here and go and stay with him. i made dinner, my love. and i have a surprise. don't you like my body? it's okay because i love you. but we're soulmates. hello?. daddy!. no, she's not home. can i ask you something? can i visit you for a while?. a week. but i can fly alone. no, i understand. yeah. i love y. hello?. why does he hate me? gus? don't be mad. i was just worried about you. now i'm out of your life forever. goodbye. thanks for not pressing any charges. quite a storm last night. you know, your birthday's coming up. any hints as to what you might like? right.