good eating, huh son? who are you, richard simmons? c'mon, enjoy the day. where are the girls? is it permanent? what she means is, he won't eat. let him be. he's looking good. i'm proud of him. what the hell is going on? why did you throw away their candy? grace! if anybody had done this to you when you were a child, we never would have heard the end of it. i do not care for your language. what's your point? what is this obsession you have with weight? center is a great position. toughest guy on the field. a good center can make or break a team. look, leonard. your mom, to her, a tasty meal is just a way of showing she cares. leonard, people just don't drop dead from eating meatballs. here's the deal. you know how my company flies me to florida every april? this year, i'm taking the girls. just the girls. you're staying home. what for? i'll give him some cash, he can get some clothes. grace.