the check is supposed to be here on the first of the month. she's your daughter, you asshole! any parent is "parent of the year" next to you, you selfish prick. why do you say that? are you still "cutting"? malee, out. now. excuse me for a moment. i told you a 100 times to knock. why aren't you with the boys? i found this in the backseat of my car this morning. do you know how much flutes cost? go outside, sit on the front steps and practice. now! mr. maitland? i'm sorry i couldn't make it. let rudy's parents know i'm available if they need to talk. i won't charge for the sessions. okay. how was your week? post traumatic stress is very common in your line of work. many fire fighters go through this. sometimes we experience something so horrific, our memory blocks it out. that way we won't have to relive the pain. it's called repression. our bodies are not so forgiving, however. inside, we feel the effects of trauma even when we don't know why. something stirred your unconscious. if we find out what that was, we can begin the healing process. are there any other reoccurring elements in your dreams. perhaps, a face or. what? interesting. you'll be one step ahead in january. malee. there's a foot of snow outside. be home in an hour. be careful. no! your father. went out. he's not home right now. nothing. i'd prefer it if you'd put that money in the bank. fine, spend it. you'll have to do it alone though. i have a patient this afternoon. have a good day. malee, dinner! you look. different. what happened to your glasses? honey, in the future, i'd like to know if you're going to radically change your appearance. clean your stuff up and come down for dinner. i'm not asking for much. just call her from time to time. because she needs to know her father cares. call collect. take some responsibility for yourself and grow. hello?. malee, you don't understand. i don't know what to say to you. before we begin, i want to apologize. i should have known what was going on with malee. this is your therapy. not mine. why was it therapeutic? why do you think that is? what did you do? what does this have to do with malee? would you mind if we. cut out early today? no charge. honey?