ssssst! jose, what's going on? i didn't volunteer. no trouble. no, sir. i went to the surface and i collected specimens like i was told. i mashed the spider, didn't i? uh. i think it was. i'm sure it was 2nd street. uh, i didn't hear the. well, the guard woke me up. he told me i volunteered. uh, thank you. no, sir! i need to go now. "james"! nobody ever calls me that. no, not possible. listen, i have to get out of here. i'm supposed to be getting information. it won't help you. you can't do anything about it. you can't change anything. i need to go. because i'm a good observer. because i have a tough mind. they wanted identification. i don't have any identification. i wasn't trying to hurt them. no. you wouldn't understand. i have to go. underground. i love this air. this is wonderful air. it's so clean. no germs. i have to go. this is april, right? july?! what year is it? 1995? no, 1995 is the past. where are you taking me? south of france?! i don't want to go to the south of france. i want to make a telephone call. i need to make a telephone call. it's very important. i need to make a telephone call. this is a place for crazy people! i'm not crazy! well, you've got some real nuts in here! listen to me, all of you -- i have to tell you something that's going to be difficult for you to understand, but. 1989. look, i'm not confused. there's been a mistake, i've been sent to the wrong place. hey, i'm not going to hurt anybody. do any of you know anything about the army of the twelve monkeys? they paint this, stencil it, on buildings, all over the place. right. i guess you wouldn't, this is 1989, they're probably not active yet. that makes sense! okay. listen to me, three billion people died in 1995. three billion, got that? almost the whole population. of the world! only about one percent survived. save you? how can i save you? it already happened! i can't save you. i'm simply trying to get some information for people in the present so that someday. you don't believe me. you think i'm crazy. but i'm not crazy. i'm a convict, sure, i have a quick temper, but i'm as sane as anyone in this room. i. no! look, i don't belong here! what i need to do is make a telephone call to straighten everything out. scientists. i'm supposed to report in to them. they'll want to know they sent me to the wrong time. no, no. i can't talk to them. it's called, "voice mail". i'm supposed to leave messages. they monitor it from the present. no, no. this is the past. this has already happened. listen. no, 1995 is the past, too. look. no! i mean yes, but. look, i've been given a lot of drugs but i'm still perfectly lucid. you have to let me use the phone. one call! it was some lady. she didn't know anything. no. that's the reason they chose me -- i remember things. what? wait! this is only 1989! i'm supposed to be leaving messages in 1995. it's not the right number yet. that's the problem. damn! how can i contact them? germs?! i'm not crazy. if you know how to escape, why don't you? what's that mean? they hurt you! look at those assholes, they're asking for it! maybe people deserved to be wiped out! what are you talking about??? it's private. what??? what??? no more drugs. please. uh, what? uh, that message. me? i couldn't call! you sent me to the wrong year! it was 1989. they forced me to take drugs. i got into trouble. i got arrested. but i still got you a specimen -- a spider -- but i didn't have anyplace to put it, so i ate it. it was the wrong year anyway, so i guess it doesn't matter. uh, no, sir. i. uh, i think so. in the mental hospital. where are you? my name's not "bob". where are you? what do you mean, "maybe"? what's that supposed to mean? it was supposed to be 1995. what? what?? i don't understand. where am i? i. don't understand. jose! 1989. six years for you. there's the sign! right here! you told me you'd help me. i know this isn't what you meant, but. i was desperate. no money. bum leg. sleeping on the streets. i probably smell bad. sorry about that. but then i saw your book in a store window with a notice about your lecture. i can read, remember? it's the next step. i checked out the baltimore information, it was nothing. it's philadelphia, that's where they are, the ones who killed everyone. zs that a radio? does it play music? i've never seen the ocean! you used to call me "james". everybody's got a gun. in this city. can you. can you make it louder? i love hearing twentieth century music! hearing music and breathing air! "never cry wolf!" my father told me that. "never cry wolf." then people won't believe you if. something really happens. something bad. is that all the music? i don't want to hear this stuff. ohhhh, that one! can we hear that one? you were in my dream just now. your hair was different, but i'm sure it was you. about an airport. before everything happened. it's the same dream i always have -- the only one. i'm a little kid in it. you were very upset. you're always very upset in the dream, but i never knew it was you before. no, i think it was always you. it's very strange. i'll be back in a minute. my notes. observations. clues. a secret army. the army of the twelve monkeys. i've told you about them. they spread the virus. that's why we have to get to philadelphia. i have to find them -- it's my assignment. i just have to locate the virus in its original form before it mutates. so scientists can come back and study it and find a cure. so that those of us who survived can go back to the surface of the earth. you won't think i'm crazy next month. people are going to start dying. at first the papers will say it's some weird fever, some virus. then they'll begin to catch on. they'll get it. i thought it was about us. i thought maybe they'd found us and arrested me or something. just a joke. when i was a kid i identified with that kid, down there alone in that pipe. a hundred feet down -- doesn't know if they're going to save him. nevermind. it's not real -- it's a hoax. a prank. he's hiding in a barn. hey, turn left here. left! where i come from we think of this as eden. if we could just see the sun, eat sun-grown food. eden! look at them! they donut know what they have. they don't see the sky. they don't feel the air! the twelve monkeys!!! they're here. somewhere. come on! look, i'm warning you. you do anything, i'm going to go crazy -- hurt people! they're keeping an eye on me. the man. with the voice. i recognized him. he's from the present. he. please! please don't hurt me! are you hurt? come an. we're running out of time. you can't help him. i did him a favor. now come on. i've got one now. i, uh, i'm looking for the, ah, the army of the twelve monkeys. i just need some information. i told you what i want. lock the door! lock it now! mason??? no, i don't watch tv. is this him -- dr. mason? tell me more about jeffrey. the army of the twelve monkeys. what's that mean? what's this? all i see are dead people. everywhere. what's three more? the guy was a total fruitcake. no -- he said his father was "god"! we need gas. i said i was too young to drive. i didn't say i was stupid. i got shot. look -- there's a gas station up ahead. it was some kind of. war. never mind, you wouldn't believe me. turn off here. you were going to run out off gas on purpose, weren't you? that has your name on it. give him cash. where are you going? i love seeing the sun. you smell so good. i have to do something now. something i don't want to do. i'm so sorry. i have a mission. it's important. you do know me. you helped me once. i'm here about some monkeys. monkeys. twelve of them. listen to me -- i can't do anything about what you're going to do. i can't change anything. i can't stop you. i just want some information. i just need to have access to the pure virus, that's all! for the future! i don't have time to go upstairs. the police are looking for me. i need to know where it is and exactly what it is. plan? what are you talking about? bulishit! you're fucking with my head! listen, you dumb fuck! the thing mutates we live underground! the world belongs to the fucking dogs and cats. we're like moles or worms. all we want to do is study the original. lights! lights! i. i. i'm really sorry. no! i. don't think so. i stole a car and they chased me. i hit a tree. yeah, sort of, i guess. i. i'm sorry i locked you up. i thought. i thought. i think maybe i am crazy! jeffrey mason said it was my idea about the virus. and suddenly, i wasn't sure. we talked when i was in the institution, and it was all. fuzzy. the drugs and stuff. you think maybe i'm the one who wiped out the human race? it was my idea? i'm"mentally divergent". i would love to believe that. i need help all right. they're coming after me. it would be great if i'm crazy. if i'm wrong about everything. the world will be okay. i'll never have to live underground. the gun! . i lost it no gun! stars! air! i can live here. breathe! i love this world! you. don't. exist! you're in my mind. i don't want your "women," you brainless twit! i want to be well! you don't exist, you silly bozos! you're not real! ha ha ha! people don't travel in time! you aren't here. made you up! you can't trick me! you're in my mind! i'm insane and you're my insanity! i saw you! in 1995! in the real world! you were a bum! you pulled out your teeth. fuck you! oh, yeah? what do i want? tell me. tell me what i want. more. than. anything. no, sir! i just want to do my part. to get us back on top. in charge of the planet. and i have the experience, i know who the people are. well, sir, i don't think the human mind was built to exist in two different. whatever you call it"dimensions." it's stressful, you said it yourselves, it gets you confused. you don't know what's real and what's not. yes, sir. i understand. there'd be no point. it was released in philadelphia, probably on june 14, 1995. san francisco, new orleans, rio de janeiro, rome, kinshasa, karachi, bangkok, then peking. that the virus was taken from philadelphia to san francisco, then to new orleans, rio de janeiro, rome, kinshasa, karachi, bangkok, then peking. to find out where the virus is so a qualified scientist can travel back into the past and study the original virus. uh, so that a vaccine can be developed that will, uh, allow mankind to reclaim the surface of the earth. kathryn! no, i want to turn myself in. where is he? don't worry -- it's all okay now. i'm not crazy any more! i mean, i am crazy, mentally divergent, actually, but i know it now and i want you to help me. i want to get well. i've seen that. before. i don't understand what we're doing. you mean, treat me? cure me? kathryn, those words on the wall -- i've seen them before. i. i. dreamed them. i thought i was in. prison again. no, not really. it's. it's in my mind. like you said. i don't know -- i don't remember. it was? i didn't. know. i think i saw a tv show like that when i was a kid. where a boy. well, maybe that kid saw the same tv show and copied it. listen, you were right, it's all in my head. i'm mentally ill, i imagine all that stuff. i know they're not real, i can trick them, make them do what i want. i just worked on them in my head and i got back here. i can get better. i can stay here. i had a dream about. something like that. you said i had delusions -- that i created a world -- you said you could explain everything. i want to be here. in this time. with you. i want to become. become a whole person. i want this to be the present. i want the future to be unknown. is this real -- or is this one of my delusions? you want me to rob him? just. just in case. in case i'm not crazy. that's how they find us. by our teeth. i don't want them to find me. ever. i don't want to go back. a carpet cleaning company? you. you left them a message? "the army of the twelve monkeys -- they're the ones who are going to do it. i can't do anything more. the police are watching me." they got your message, kathryn. they played it for me. it was a bad recording. distorted. i didn't recognize your voice. i think i've seen this movie before. when i was a kid. it was on tv. i have seen it, but i don't remember this part. funny, it's like what's happening to us, like the past. the movie never changes -- it can't change -- but everytime you see it, it seems to be different because you're different -- you notice different things. flowers! what flowers? why are we doing this? but maybe i'm wrong. maybe you're wrong. maybe we're both crazy. where can we hide for a few weeks? kathryn?! you were in my dream just now. i didn't recognize you. i mean in my dream -- i didn't realize it was you. then. i woke up and i. i thought you were gone. on the walls -- they meant the animals when they said, "we did it." i know this place! . this is my dream. it's not just my dream. i was actually here! i remember now. my parents brought me to meet my uncle. about a week or two before. before. before everybody started dying. i was here. as a kid. i think you were here, too. but you. looked just like you look now. right! you're right. i have to fix this. listen, i don't know whether you're there or not. maybe you just clean carpets. if you do, you're lucky -- you're gonna live a long, happy life. but if you other guys exist and you're picking this up -- forget about the army of the twelve monkeys -- they didn't do it. it was a mistake' someone else did it. the army of the twelve monkeys are just dumb kids playing revolutionaries. it was someone else! i've done my job. i did what you wanted. good luck. i'm not coming back! leave me alone! i made a report. i didn't have to do that. this is the present. this is not the past. this is not the future. this is right now! i'm staying here! you got that? you can't stop me! jo. jose???? what? what for? are you crazy? how did you find me? the call i just made? five minutes ago? this part isn't about the virus, is it? it's about obeying, about doing what you're told. who am i supposed to shoot? i love you, kathryn. remember that. get your hands off her! i said, get your hands off her. she's not a criminal. she's a doctor. a psychiatrist.