would that i could enjoy this opulent dinner and this excellent and stimulating company for itself, with no sense of purpose. but alas, i am "burdened" with the sense that with all this excess of public attention and this cacophony of praise, there comes great responsibility. indeed, i practically feel a soapbox growing under my feet whenever i stand for more than a few seconds. current genetic engineering as well as my own work with viruses has presented us with powers as terrifying as any. you have reason to believe that my son may be planning to do what?!!! i'm afraid this doesn't seem very professional to me, in fact it's distressingly unprofessional for some- one who treated my son briefly to take a sudden unsolicited interest in his mental health six years later, and to telephone a parent to express opinions that would be inappropriate. i don't know anything about "monkey armies", doctor. nothing whatsoever. if my son ever was involved in. it would be doubly inappropriate to discuss matters of security with you, dr. railly, but if it will put you at ease, neither my son nor any other unauthorized person has access to any potentially dangerous organisms in this laboratory. thank you for your concern. the psychiatrist who was kidnapped by that man who broke into my house. she seems to have been suddenly struck by the most preposterous notion about jeffrey. given the nature of our work, we can't ever be careful enough. i think we should review our security procedures, perhaps upgrade them. jeffrey? i know it's you, jeffrey. i recognize your voice. jeffrey??? . very well. you're out of your mind, jeffrey. i know all about your insane plan. that woman -- your psychiatrist -- she told me. i didn't believe her -- it seemed too crazy even for you. but, just in case, i took steps to make sure you couldn't do it. i took myself out of the loop! i don't have the code any more. i don't have access to the virus. so, go ahead -- torture me, but you can't extract anything of use to yourself. she knew about it, jeffrey. she knew you were going to try this. you're insane, jeffrey. please tell me, jeffrey, what exactly are you going to do? i don't have to tell you i'm afraid.