uh, can we help you? excuse me. you looking for something in particular? what do you want -- money? we only have a few bucks. shut up! then, jeffrey becomes like this. big star -- the media latch on to him because he's picketing his own father, a "famous nobel prize winning virologist". you musta seen all that on tv. that's him. jeffrey started getting bored with the shit we do. picketing, leafleting, letter-writing stuff. he said we were, "ineffectual liberal jerkoffs". he wanted to do guerrilla "actions" to "educate" the public. yeah, that's when he let a hundred snakes loose in the senate. so he and eleven others split off and became this underground"army" he goes on tv, gives a news conference, tells the whole world he just realized his daddy's experiments are vital for humanity and that the use of animals is absolutely necessary and that he, jeffrey mason, from now on, is going to personally supervise the labs to make sure all the little animals aren't going to suffer. it's the kidnap woman -- the one who was with the guy who tied us up. she's drawing attention to us, that's what she's doing. . i don't know what you're up to this time, mason, but you're gonna get us in deep shit! one dozen bolt cutters! whadda you gonna do with one dozen bolt cutters? no! absolutely not. don't tell me anything. your psychiatrist? did you just say, "your psychiatrist"? that woman is. was. your. psychiatrist? and now she's spray- painting our building? hey, no problem, it's probably just another kidnapping featuring jeffrey's shrink, pardon me, make that ex-shrink. this is your leader, a certifiable lunatic who told his former psychiatrist all his plans for god knows what whacko irresponsible schemes, and now who knows what she's painted out there on our wall? then how come she knows what's going on? he's seriously crazy -- you know that.