"volunteers" again. cole! oh, god, cole, where are we? pulling out the tooth, man, that was nuts! here, take this. me? are you kiddin? you're the one! you were a hero, man. they gave you a pardon! and whadda you do? you come back and fuck with your teeth! wow! the phone call, man. the phone call. hey, five minutes ago, thirty years ago! yes, that phone call. i been in training for this a couple a months now -- ever since i got back from that. "weird" war we were in. you remember that? here, take it, man! you could still be a hero if you'd cooperate! coma on, cole, don't be an asshole. look, i got orders, man! you know what i'm sposed to do if you don't go along? i'm sposed to shoot the lady! you got that? they said, "if cole don't obey this time, garcia, you gotta shoot his girlfriend!" i got no choice, man. these are my orders. just take it, okay? hey, man. they gave you a pardon, man. whatdaya want?