he's been tested for drugs? you have him in restraints. that would explain the bruises, i guess. the struggle. yes, please. you said he gave a name. no, thank you. mr. cole? my name is doctor railly. i'm a psychiatrist. i work for the county -- i don't work for the police. my only concern is your well being -- do you understand that? i'm going to be completely honest. i'm not going to lie to you. i can't make the police let you go. but i do want to help you. and i want you to trust me. can you do that, james? may i call you "james"? have you been a patient at county? have i seen you someplace? what kind of information? change what? do you know why you're here, james. i see. you don't remember assaulting a police officer. several officers? you don't have a driver's license, james? or a social security card? why not? most people have some id. you've been in an institution, haven't you, james? a hospital? a jail? prison? hiding? what's wonderful about the air, james? you're afraid of germs? why do you think there aren't any germs in the air, james? july. do you know what year it is? what year do you think it is? you think it's july of 1995? that's the future, james. do you think you're living in the future? 1995 is the future, james. this is 1989. it wasn't who you expected? perhaps it was a wrong number. james, where did you grow up? was it around here? around baltimore? i have the. strangest feeling i've met you before. a long time ago, perhaps. were you ever? james, take these. please -- i helped you like i said i would. now i want you to trust me. cole. james cole -- right? poor man. it's just a shot to calm you. i have to do this, james. you're very confused. i didn't think i was being defensive. i was just. okay, it was bad judgment. but i have the strangest feeling about him -- i've seen him somewhere and. i said it was bad judgment! what else do you want me to say? he was fully sedated! you're leaving? i'll be there in twenty minutes. you can have my purse. i have a lot of cash and credit. here! you can have the keys. you can. where. where are we going' but that's. that's more than 200 miles! if you make me go with you, it's kidnapping. that's a serious crime. if you let me go, you could just take the car and. cole! james cole! you escaped from a locked room six years ago. i can't believe this is a coincidence, mr. cole. have you been. following me? yes, i remember. why do you want to go to philadelphia? it's an advertisement, mr. cole. you do understand that, don't you? it's not really a special message to you. you'd prefer that? . james. you don't really have a gun, do you. what? "if something really happens". like what, james? did something terrible happen to you when you were a child? something so bad? we dream about what's important in our lives. and i seem to have become pretty important in yours. what was the dream about? and i was in it? what did i do? it wasn't me before, james. it's become me now because of. what's happening. please untie me. you're flushed. and you were moaning. i think you're running a fever. what are you doing? no! don't leave me here like this! clues? what kind of clues? what will you do. when you find this. secret army? does that disturb you, james? thinking about that little boy in the well? what do you mean -- when you were a kid? i'm not going to "do" anything, i promise. but you need help, james. none of this is what you think it is. who's keeping an eye on you? james, no -- we shouldn't be here! james! we have to go back. those men. uh, no. yes. i mean, just some scrapes. is he. alive? oh, jesus, james! you killed him! you didn't have a gun before, did you? it's all right, james -- it's just a tape. james, no -- don't hurt them. please, i'm a psychiatrist -- just do whatever he tells you to do. he's. upset -- disturbed. please -- he's dangerous -- just cooperate. james, why don't we? jeffrey mason? if those young men don't get loose, they could die in that basement. you know dr. mason's son, jeffrey mason, don't you, james? you met him in the county hospital six years ago. and he told you then his father was a famous virologist. this can't go on, james. you're not well. you're burning with fever. i thought you didn't know how to drive. what's the matter with your leg? shot! who shot you? no. i want you to turn yourself in, james -- it'll go much better for you if you do -- but i'm not going to trick you. you can come with me. i have to get some things. scissors, bandages, some alcohol or whiskey. . i have to look at your leg, james. i'm a doctor. you shouldn't put your weight on it. you need stitches and antibiotics. lucky for you it was near the surface. wait -- let me help you. you have to give yourself up, you know. you bastard! you total bastard! i could have died in there. if something had happened to you i would have died. what have you done? did you. kill someone? see -- you can drive after all! what made you think that? nobody is going to wipe out the human race. not you or jeffrey or anybody else. you've created something in your mind, james -- a substitute reality. in order to avoid something you don't want to face. it can be dealt with, but only if you want to. i can help you. first, it's important that you surrender to them instead of them catching you running. okay? give me the gun. you're sure? i'm going to attract their attention, let them know where we are, okay? they'll tell you to put your hands on top of your head. do what they tell you. you're going to get better, james -- i know it! remember, i'm going to help you. i'll stay with you. i won't let them. then i said something to him about cooperating and he said he would do that, so i got in the car and started honking the horn. when i got out, he was gone. he wouldn't do something like that -- he. i'd like to be clear about this. that man and the other one were"severely" beating us. james cole didn't start it. in fact -- he saved me! it's a normal reaction to a life- threatening situation. he's sick. he thinks he comes from the future. he's been living in a carefully constructed fantasy world and that world is starting to disintegrate. he needs help! no -- i'm in a state of hyper- alertness. i can't sleep. i hate those things. they mess my head up. he's dead, isn't he -- that little boy? he not only used the word "prank" -- he said the boy was hiding in a barn. for god sakes, owen, listen to me -- he knew about the boy in fresno and he says three billion people are going to die! and what we believe is what's accepted as "truth" now, isn't it, owen? psychiatry -- it's the latest religion. and we're the priests -- we decide what's right and what's wrong --we decide who's crazy and who isn't. . i'm in trouble, owen. i'm losing my faith. you found him? is he all right? no! please, i know it sounds insane but. is anybody in there? hello? is someone in there? if you're in there, i saw you! i saw someone moving. i know you're in there! you! i know you! have you seen james cole? the man? the police. i know. listen, i need to talk to james, but he has to be careful how he contacts me. he mustn't get caught. do you understand me? he was with me, he spoke to you. several weeks ago. he said you were from the future. watching him. james! james! that's a policeman. pretend you don't know me. if he sees you. james -- put your hands down and listen to me. things have changed! james, come on! we have to get out of here! james, trust me. we're in terrible trouble. we have to run. james! come on. we're avoiding the police until i can. talk to you. an hour?! here's ninety eight. for the night. deal? okay. you were standing there looking at the moon. you were eating grass. then what? just like that? you were in prison? you disappeared! one minute you were there, the next minute you were gone. did you run through the woods? the boy in the well. how did you know that was just a hoax? james, you said he was hiding in the barn. it wasn't a tv show! it was real! what does this mean to you? you had a bullet from world war one in your leg, james! how did it get there? well, i can't. . i mean. i'm trying to. i can't believe that everything we do or say has already happened, that we can't change what's going to happen, that i'm one of the three billion people who are going to die. soon. james. do you remember. six years ago. you had a phone number! you tried to call and. this is definitely real: excuse me, i think we have a little misunderstanding here. james -- don't! put him in the closet, . but get his money first. i. i. we need cash, james. james, no! oh, my god, james. did you kill him? push it tight! wait here. i'm going to try that phone number. let's hope it's nothing! james! james! it's okay. we're insane! we're crazy! it's a carpet cleaning company. no superiors! no scientists. no people from the future. it's just a carpet cleaning company. they have voice mail -- you leave a message telling them when you want your carpet cleaned. i couldn't resist. i was so relieved. wait'll they hear this nutty woman telling them. they better watch out for the army of the twelve monkeys. you. you couldn't have heard me. come on. and this. anything else? i guess that's it. no -- i'll pay cash. what floor are the wigs on, please? here, let me help you. shh -- don't talk. hold still. if we can't change anything. because it's already happened, then we ought to at least smell the flowers. it's an expression. here. so we can stick our heads out the window and feel the wind and listen to the music. so we can appreciate what we have while we have it. forgive me, psychiatrists don't cry. in a few weeks, it will have started or it won't. if there are still baseball games and traffic jams, armed robberies and boring tv shows -- we'll be so happy, we'll be glad to turn ourselves in to the police. you said you'd never seen the ocean. well, you look pretty different, too. i remember you. like this. i feel i've known you before. i feel i've always known you. nine thirty tight? my watch says 7:30. what? what did you say? that's what they were up to! freeing animals! maybe it's going to be okay. airports all look the same. maybe it's. james! your moustache! it's slipping. they may be looking for us, james. use this. you can fix it in the men's room. james, if we're identified, they're going to send us someplace. but not to key west! i'll get the tickets and meet you. in the gift shop. judy simmons. i have reservations for key west. it's. a long story. oh, my god! james! thank god! i thought you'd disappeared. listen, i think i know who it is! i saw him! it's dr. mason's assistant. an apocalypse nut! the next flight to san francisco leaves from gate 38. if he's there, it has to be him. maybe we can stop him. maybe we can actually do something. oh, god, we don't have time for this. please listen to me -- this is very urgent! there he is! he's carrying a deadly virus! stop him!