the new york daily news says. 1200 people will be returned. tomorrow. because you blew it. you're absolutely right. and what's going to happen?. to the personality of your dog. and don't forget. our children's future. please. because forces will gather. to take you away. from the island. matrix lactating. etched droplets. heroic mall facing darlings. hasty scotch preceding flick. normal cantilever. short of awe. finding freckles. talented. heady slap. slap, talented, heady. breaks on not finding form. ditched glue. laughter pulling orion. wrist on loan. bowed to & clean. secret cycled from. the obvious. lodged style hawked from home. searing material lush as trash. feet lifting heavy ball. to shoulder in backward world. lovely cart. lucky. faucet of distant lakes. bad swath forever poor.