you say asia can be found by sailing west? unfortunately, don colon, that is precisely where our opinions differ. are you familiar with the work of aristotle? erathostene? ptolemeus? then you cannot ignore that according to their calculations, the circumference of the earth is approximately. 22,000 leagues or more. which makes the ocean. uncrossable. but you may have found new evidence proving that these men of knowledge are totally mistaken! marin de tyr is wrong -- and has been corrected many times over the centuries by the finest geographers. your voyage, don colon, would take a year! senor colon, an experienced captain such as yourself will understand our concern with the crew. i am not willing to have on my conscience the loss of men who would have relied upon our judgment. your life, and that of others! is that all that interests you? gold? christopher -- christo ferens -- the bearer of the cross! if god intended our proximity to asia, do you believe he would have waited for you to show it to the world? so you consider yourself the chosen one? don't you realize your words could be considered heretical? if-god-wills-it! the treasurer of spain honors us with his presence. the judgment is ours! he is a mercenary! did he not already try to convince the king of portugal of his absurd notions? you would use your influence to assist this. intriguer? it won't be easy to get rid of your prophet now, don sanchez. the sunset route to the new continent is now well-established. west by south west for 750 leagues to santo domingo. from there, west north west, leaving san juan to the north, reaching the island of hispanola on the northern cape of san raphael. then onto the mainland, at the cape called gracias a dios. spain -- by your majesty's grace -- has confirmed for all humanity the existence of an unknown continent. tierra incognita. this continent was first discovered by a sailor commissioned by your majesty. his name. amerigo vespucci. my god! i thought he was dead. what a tragedy. what a waste of a life.