of all the words my father wrote and there were many, i remember these the most. "nothing that results from human progress is achieved with unanimous consent" "and those who are enlightened before the others are condemned to purse that light in spite of others" there was a time when the new world didn't exist. the sun set in the west on an ocean where no man had dared to venture. and beyond that, infinity. once i asked my father where he wanted to go. and he replied: "i want to travel all over the seas. i want to get behind the weather" diego! look, father! father? what can you do? you can't go there! i want to go with you! you promise? do you swear on st. christopher? do you swear on all the holy saints in heaven? father? this time with me! nobody is forcing you to come with us. she's very beautiful! the queen has very good taste. diego is getting married. not bad. i don't understand. father. oh my god. i am not listening, father. but i can't help hearing. it's diego. he is at the court, with santangel. he says they hope to get your privileges restored. and maybe the house. fine, it seems. diego is thinking of starting a pearl trade, in santo domingo. he says he received many letters for you. some of your men, mostly. this one is from mendez! he asks when he can come to visit you. he left his address. i want you to tell me everything you remember, father. from the beginning. everything. tell me the first thing that comes to your mind.