your majesty would wish to know the true facts concerning the island of hispanola, our first settlement in the new world, and the activities there of your servant, christopher columbus, admiral of the ocean sea, governor of that island. you will remember with what hopes and promises he beguiled us -- the truth is that he now presides over a state of chaos, degradation and madness beyond imagining. from the beginning, columbus proved himself incapable of managing the affairs of the island. he appointed his brothers to important positions, at once injuring the pride and dignity of the nobles who had gone with him. he promised to build a city, the city of isabel, named after your majesty. what he actually built was nothing but a collection of huts, and that in the wrong place, for all of it was easily swept away by rain and mud. is that not so, brother buyl? he promised gold. not finding the easy quantities he promised, columbus commanded each indian to pay an annual tribute. most being unable to, they were barbarously punished, against the express wish of your christian majesties. since provocation and injustice never ceases, many of the indians have fled to the forests, or have begun to slay the christians. but there is worse. from the beginning, he forced the nobles to undergo physical labor, treating them equally with the indians, all of them reduced to slavery. when the nobleman adrian de moxica protested against such treatment. . he was executed. is that not true also, brother buyl? he has lost control. his great arrogance has led him into depravity. he encourages our soldiers to marry the native women. he promised a paradise, but he has made a hell full of all its horrors. yes, your majesty. suppose you cross this ocean. suppose you reach asia. what would spain do there? the state has some reason to be interested in this man's proposition, your eminence. naturally. but i would really deplore the loss of such a potential opportunity for spain for a. dispute over a point of geography. indeed. the world is full of mercenaries -- and states often make use of them, when it benefits them. my only concern is the welfare and prosperity of spain. you know, your eminence, the fascinating thing about power, is that what can be given so effortlessly. can so easily be taken away. go on! furthermore he will receive one eight of all wealth or monies, precious gems, pearls, metals, spices and other lucrative sources conquered within the boundaries of his admiralty. it's very underdone. no, the pheasant. it's almost raw. you worry too much, carvajal. the man will have to lower his demands. believe me, he will! we have considered your -- demands very carefully, senor colon. your expectations are. excessive, in every way. we have prepared our own contract. no? i remind you, senor colon, that you are in no position to bargain with me. then you are too ambitious. if you won't accept our proposal, we'll simply find someone who will. never, your majesty. although. although one may always renegotiate a contract. especially signed by royal hands. into a monk. on the contrary, your eminence. it seems to me the man is preparing his own cross. forgive me, don colon. but what about gold? you defend yourself admirably. to your second expedition. don colon -- don alonso de bobadilla. a man who knows our laws. don bobadilla is already a judge, my dear don cristobal. you seem to have a special talent for making friends. to rise so high, in so short a time, is a dangerous occupation. a little hypocrisy goes a long way. every ship returns with a cargo of sick and dying. but with no gold! the new world proves expensive, your majesty. he promised us gold but has failed to find it. he subjects the natives to violence, provocation and injustice. he sent them to spain against the express wishes of your majesty. but there is worse. he ordered the execution of five members of the nobility. he must be replaced. i am thinking of a man. a devotee to your majesties. a man extremely motivated. it does not belong to him. penitent? he is suing us for breach of contract! then why? all i have to do is call the guards. i am not afraid of you. you are nothing but a dreamer. roofs. towers, palaces. spires. you can see for yourself. a waste? let me tell you something, arojaz. if your name, or mine, is ever remembered -- it will only be because of his.