these people built granada. centuries ago! it is a great victory over the moors, don colon -- and yet what a tragedy it is! it couldn't be better. victors can't say no. your excellency. truly grateful. your help. as ever. take care of my investment, wherever you're going! granted his faults. yes, a hundred times! but the man is still remarkable. all he asks is a chance to explore this. mainland. in a way, it does, don sanchez. i beg your majesty to receive him. to hear him. he will make no more demands. he has changed. he is penitent. one chair. one table. what more can a man expect, when he tries to sue the crown? on the contrary. it is i who owe you everything. through you, i have been an adventurer, an explorer! it's true i shall never see the new world. but it's here. and here. what you are, colon, is a sailor, a discoverer, a man of imagination. not a politician. you weren't meant to govern -- you cannot be all things to all men. i wish you could have compromised. it would have made your life easier.