who did cause and origin? then why didn't you talk to the reporter? don't you guys understand? it's all about image. the better we look the more money i get to pay you guys overtime. what was that, korfin? you do that, wiseguy. now let's solve this thing before eddie flemming does. hey. warsaw. i came to see how the investigation was going. i called and you're not here. i wait up at the station and you don't even show up!!! i beep you - you don't return my call. where the hell have you been?! what do you mean, 'cleaned up?' a shower!? did you take one, too? oh really. that's nice. you took a homicide witness to take a shower after your partner was shot? are you out of your fucking mind?? are you having that much trouble gettin' dates?! oh. well, i'm the deputy chief fire marshall and every now and then i'd like to be included in decisions. oh yeah? alright. yeah, sure. beep me when you're ready for the press conference. did the d.a. videotape her deposition? alright. swing by her apartment. let her pick up her clothes and take her straight to hoover street. you got that? okay. but not water sports. what the hell are you talking about??? they're gonna do what? the public doesn't have any idea what we do and now you're going to define our image! this is going to be our rodney king! forgot? you handcuffed a civilian to a tree?! well this is gonna end your career and probably mine. how are you going to fight this? maybe if oleg hadn't gotten away and you'd been on the front page, as a hero, this thing would be easier to fight. you'd have the good to weight against the bad! it's unfortunate that i have to make decisions based upon your press coverage but there's nothing i can do! gimme your shield. there's nothing to talk about. get a good lawyer. you're suspended until your trial. i know you got backup at home. drop it off.