yo, jordy! where you been, man? we got a celebrity! i don't know, you think eddie will give me his autograph? naw - i'm sure the suspect's not here. 'cause eddie woulda locked him up by now! nah, not at all. detective flemming - bobby korfin. my uncle tony worked with you at 2-1 back when you were a rookie. sorry, bro. okay, jordy - it was a fast fire, we got good patterns - about thirty minutes old. clean? but you knew that, right? they have not soot in their mouths, which means they weren't breathin' before the fire and that usually means they were deceased - and this piece of cloth that my partner found means they were wrapped up in something, probably doused with a flammable liquid and positioned like this on the bed. to the untrained eye, it looks like an accident. here you go. a big double homicide. you see eddie's face when i gave him the timer? wish i had a picture of it. what?? what? yeah? yeah, right. i said, yeah, you're right, chief. as soon as we get somethin' we'll let you alert the media. max. max! get in line. -- from czechoslovakia? and how long have they been livin' in your building? alright, i'll be in touch when we know somethin'. milos and tamina karlova. they were quiet and kept to themselves. landlord don't know who your girl is. you hear that question, garcia? well, they're definitely permanent residents now. why don't we get some sleep and we'll go see him in the morning. aren't you tired? she keepin' you up? like to meet her, huh? she'd make you forget your ex wife. cure your insomnia. it hurts. aw, jesus! how was it? yeah. he finished awhile ago. yeah. zwangendaba??? is suing you, the department and the city of new york for 10 million? who is zwangendaba? are you alright, man? lemme see the hand! what the hell happened?