detective, does it look like a murder? how many victims are up there? can we go up to the crime scene? is it drug related? detective. what's that you're holding in your hand? evidence? detective - can you tell us what happened here? i understand, but i noticed that the fire marshall is here with you. is this somehow related to the fire department? okay. but i do understand that your partner, leon jackson's been injured. is that correct? do you have the suspect in custody? alright, cut, cut, cut. eddie, are you okay? alright. alright. okay. hey, honey. what is your problem? why'd you snap at me? i just wanted a statement. you didn't have to embarrass me in front of my colleagues. you could give me something. stop it. alright, alright, eddie. don't patronize me. yes you are. i'm not just some reporter. i don't just stick a microphone in your face. you could give me something. that was good. you were holding the evidence. well, who was it that taught me how to do that? huh? you're not so bad yourself. c'mere. look at this. you have blood on your shirt. whose is it? jesus. and last week you came over with blood on your shoes. what am i going to do with you? what are you doing? what are you saying? eddie? don't worry about the damn phone. i won't answer it. no. tell me what you want to say. okay. okay. hold that thought just for a second. they only call me when it's an emergency. just hold that thought. can you call back? what're you talking about? what? oh. okay. yeah. oh my g-d, they want me to anchor. they want me to anchor tonight! yeah. okay. that is great. but i can't go now, we're in the middle of something here. no. no, listen to me here. i want to know what you're talking about. you know, the shoe thing and the marriages and. promise? yeah. i'll do that. as long as you're not patronizing me. i love you. okay, til tonight. you promise? okay. and you know what, i'll swing by my place, grab a couple pairs of shoes and maybe just test them out next to yours. how's that. would that be a good thing. okay. thank you. you know. you know he was gonna propose to me. the crime guys found a card he'd written out to me. and a ring box. these fuckers that killed him - have my ring. they have my diamond engagement ring. what do you mean you know? he told you he was gonna propose to me? i want to hear everything he said. alright. go ahead. oh my g-d. we were having lunch here. he started making overtures - talking about little shoes next to his in his closet but i got a call to anchor - and i walked out on him. i walked out on him when he was trying to ask me to marry him!! i'd never had a great relationship before. i'd never made great choices with men. and he wasn't easy to get to know. he was older, my parents told me i was nuts to get involved with him. but he was so great to me. always encouraging, telling me i could do anything. he was the one. you know, i'd give up everything - everything - for just a little more time. i would've spent fifteen minutes with him if that's all i knew i had. and today with his partner who he blamed for the crimes still at large, emil slovak will appear in court. his lawyer will argue that he is mentally unfit to stand trial. eyewitness news has also learned that later this month, jordy warsaw will himself be appearing in court. he will be arraigned on charges of violating the civil rights of. zwangen. zwagen. goddamn assholes everywhere. zwangenbobby. zwangendaba. i got it. i'll do it. shit. let's start again. mr. zwangendaba claims to be a direct descendent of the african king from whom he takes his name. shoot! shoot him!! shoot! shoot! shoot him!! don't. don't let him surrender. shoot him! wait a minute. where are you going? learn from eddie. talk to the court of public opinion. take the credit, you need it. cut. get a shot of him leaving. then pan to me. well, he wouldn't talk to us, but you saw it. new york city has a new hero, fire marshal jordan warsaw. i hope that fire marshal warsaw's heroic actions this afternoon will help with his other legal problems. wb11 has also learned that the fire marshal has retained an immigration lawyer to help daphne handlova with her case. we wish her well. this is nicolette karas, live at battery park, wb11 new york. good night.