okay. okay. i want to document my trip to america. yes. he's my friend. i speak english. new york. a cheap hotel. i'm here for movies. yes. no. both. when i was a boy, i see movie at school called "it's a wonderful life" directed by frank capra. ever since i want to come to america. land of the free. home of the brave. a land where anyone can be anything. as long as they are white. look. times square. just like in the movies! why? why do i always have to speak to you in czech? look. new videocameras. color viewfinder. image stabilization. solarization. night vision. why should i carry your bag? i am not a dog. what? hello, tamina. what are you looking for? i'm not filming. i'm watching milos die. it's just like a move but realer. you said speak czech! i'll do it. don't hurt my camera! whore? whatever we do - we fuck her, right? this is second day in america. first day was very exciting. full of thrills and chills. over there, is co-star of my new movie, emil! and these. daphne handlova? emil, look! perfect! cut. print! gotta light the scene better. now it's more moody. like a scene from the does it hurt? oh, shit. i hate looking at that! what is it? i did. why not? what is that? let me get a shot of it. this way. hold it this way. good. why won't you be angry at me for keeping my movie? good idea! cut! this is my project. i say 'action.' i am the director! you are the talent. you wait for me to say 'action!' and. action! is videotaping them from the opposite rooftop. tenants from daphne's building are fleeing down the fire escape. emil stands in back of oleg - who is very excited. he turns the camera on himself. this is great film! you can see fire right now - daphne is in fire - fire marshal is here. everything is so messy. everything is so crazy right here! look at this fire! we made it! 90% of people who die in fire die from eating smoke. so most likely they all die from eating smoke. and this is the man who started the fire. say something to your fans, emil! across the roof is videotaping the bathroom as it explodes! you are success story? i am success story! why do you say i and not we? in movie they make of us, who do you think would act me? i'm serious. this is my project. i say 'action.' i am the director! you are the talent. you wait for me to say 'action.' and 'action!' be quiet. watch. because i am the director. don't you realize, if it wasn't for my film, for my talent, my idea to do this - no way would we be sitting here right now. i'm serious. this - this is a great american film. full of violence and sex. and i want my credit. yes. before we hand in the next video - i put titles on it and my credit is going to read - directed by oleg razgul. no, i don't get that! look at that. see that shot! seamless. no cuts. and look. look at that transition. that's filmmaking!! isn't it great?! look! over here! it's all in here. all in here. he knew exactly what he was doing - all of this was planned! it's all here in my movie. emil is not insane. look. look! no. you are the traitor. you are murderer. i am director. action! a film. by oleg razgul. how was that?