nice to meet you. i'm julie goodwin, principal here at fitch senior high. and you behind there? you are? around here you're going to have to use ms. goodwin. please, sit. excuse me!? o-kay. did you bring your transcripts? so the last school you went to was cutler high in connecticut. and you were a straight a student. very impressive. i think it's time we got mark to class. lisa! lisa! lisa, will you print out a schedule for mark and show him to class? i beg your pardon. -yeah, no. i don't date my students' parents. it's a rule of mine. i really need to get back to work. ed, come on in. look, if it was only one isolated fight it wouldn't distress me all that much. boys will be boys. but, it's also been brought to my attention that mark may have krazy glued a boy to his chair. enough! mark, i know it's hard to be the new kid but if i have anymore trouble from you, you'll be facing detentions or worse. you can go now. let's give him time to figure it out on his own. if the situation gets worse then we'll take the next step. when you asked me to get together to talk about mark this isn't what i envisioned. this isn't a date, ed. as long as we're on the same page. i don't drink. so tell me what you think's going on with mark? you didn't ask me here to talk about mark, did you? you're disgusting, ed. i'm not some 22 year-old who you can impress with caviar and expensive wine. i came here because i'm concerned about the wellbeing of your son but you don't care about mark. all you're concerned with is proving to me how wealthy you are. you know what's too bad, ed? i'm sure when you were the guy the boys picked on and the girls ignored you were really sweet. but you thought becoming rich would solve all your problems. instead it made you just like them. i have to go. act normal or i'm leaving. no, no, really. i don't. hark! who goes there? tis i! elf princess ariala of jamroar. how did you get your hands on the 5th edition? that's not due out for another three years. drive faster. calm thyself, marius. this party is over! if you don't want to spend the next 3 months in detention you will leave. now! who hates him? what's going on? try being honest. mark's obviously having a crisis and you. you insensitive bastard, you disown him? he'd be better off with his mother in thailand. no, your honor. what is it, ed? you can raid my dungeon anytime.