oh yeah. everything's totally copacetic.
dom was in the neighborhood. he offered to make a dump run for me.
what's your point?
at least someone's after me.
please, mike. this isn't high school. that's not gonna work.
you can stop now. it's not working.
you no longer have the right to invoke the "wolf."
i'm gonna use it as a showpiece for clients. thanks for asking.
i am a landscape designer. then again you barely took an interest in my work so i guess that's a fair question.
i'm sorry. but maybe this is what you needed. maybe it's time you looked for something else?
and it's all my fault, isn't it?
no, but it's what you think, right?
i never asked you to marry me.
i'm sorry you're not happy with the way your life turned out mike, really, i am, but you're not the victim here.
i've been dying to meet you. i've known your father since.
and you say ed freedman is your father?
you don't look anything like him. if you don't mind me asking, who's your mother?
oh? i'm sorry.
why would you ask about dom? did ed tell you to say that?
i'll keep that in mind, mark.
it's crazy how much you like my husband when he was a teenager.
i am. i'm a landscape designer. i'm actually redoing the backyard. i'll show you.
it's a work in progress so you'll have to use your imagination some.
you wouldn't have. it was a disaster back here a few days ago. obviously i have a lot to do still. i'm laying the sod next and the limestone pathway will go here.
then i'll plant all those, over a hundred different types of flowers and plants. i have an amazing fountain being delivered that'll go here and a bench over there.
and i'll string rows of tiny, white lights above it all so every night will be a starry one. it'll be a real sanctuary back here.
my husband's the only one that ever calls me that.
nice to meet you. and, alex, be home by 10:30.
i haven't heard from him in three weeks. obviously he doesn't care.
then where is he?
nothing, mark. i was just dropping something off.
our court date is the 27th. if he has anything to say, he can say it then.
fighting? what's gotten into you?
ouch. you poor thing. does it hurt?
alex, i'll meet you at the car. i need to talk to uncle ed for a second.
did you give him the divorce papers?
is it another woman? i can handle it. tell me the truth.
okay. if you do, please have him call home. for the kids. i'm running out of excuses-
gloves are for sissies.
mark, i'm 36 years old-
fine. 20. grab a roll.
i'll throw in a baloney sandwich.
mark? i didn't know you were there.
thank you.
i'm wearing a sweater.
so? what happened? tell me. tell me. i'm dying to hear.
oh my god, alex! that's so incredible!
i'm so happy for you. and now i want to show you guys something.
ta da!
i wanted you to be the first to see it.
oh my god. i almost forgot. i have a date.
mark, i'm flattered. really, i am. but i'm too old for you.
don't mind him. you all set?
i'm looking for alex. it's past his curfew and he wasn't picking up his phone. is he here?
alex has a girlfriend?
he's like a totally different person.
it's been so good for him to have you around. you have no idea.
i'm not so sure. i mean look at me. i showed up at a party to drag my son home. could i be any more embarrassing? and how many amazing mothers run their kids' father off?
i knew he was unhappy. i knew he hated his job. i should've been more supportive, more sympathetic to what he was going through. he gave up a lot for me.
you're sweet. i have no idea why i'm telling you all this. there's just something so familiar.
what do you think you're doing!?
this conversation is over, mark.
i'm not in the mood for games.
what? why would you say that?
don't ever come near me or my family again. if you do, i'll have you arrested or better yet, institutionalized.
your son needs a shrink!
i do.
yes, your honor.
he's my husband's best friend.
if it's okay, your honor. i'd like to hear it.
your honor, sir. i'm sorry. i'm in no shape. i need to postpone. i'm sorry.
what took you so long?
how did this happ-