what did you did do? mug the mannequin at the ed hardy store? bro-ski, what are you doing at our table? you gotta problem with me, `bra? now make like tom and cruise. what? i'll buy you another ice cream. heads up! you think `cause you got a haircut and new clothes people'd forget what a fag you are? gimme my ball back, bee-yotch. you don't know me. you like her, don't you? my girlfriend. she told me you were trashing me at the beach. i don't know how good she is yet but after i find out, she's all yours. stuck!!! i'm stuck! my fingers! it's glue! i'm glued to everything! no! no! don't pull--! what are you 2 queers doing in my gym? i don't think so. you girls wanna play with the boys then let's play. 2 on 2. come on, ally. embarrass me. you ready? here it comes. 2 points! and i was fouled! i was upset. i'm sorry. but i need you to show me you love me. then we'll move in together. yeah, right. who'd be stupid enough? who's gonna make me leave? you? you can have the nun. she doesn't put out anyway. 21: today is going to be a good day. i love my job. i am a lucky man. who's lucky? mike o'donnell. but you're one of them. yyyyeeeeooooowwwwwww!!!! we should do this again sometime. don't hurt yourself big boy. no. it's just. you look like. no. i'm fine. come in. please. where did you hear that? i don't know? read it somewhere i guess. be a sport. show me what you got. my poor baby. and how about you, mark? you're serious? you want to help? embarrassing. sorry. i'll give you 10 dollars a day. me? no. yes. it's ed. i mean dad. not your dad. my dad. i'll just call him back. thank you. you're not gonna wear that, are you? tis i. the wizard they call marius. and who might you be fair maiden? no, your honor. september 7th, 1988 was the first time i saw you. you were reading `the great gatsby' and wearing a guns n roses t-shirt. i'd never seen anything so perfect. i remember thinking i had to have you or i'd die. not in a psycho kinda way but in that beautiful, innocent, unaffected way that way only a 17 year-old kid can have. you whispered you loved me at the homecoming dance and i felt so peaceful and safe because i knew no matter what happened from that night on nothing could ever be that bad because i had you. and then i grew up, lost my way and blamed you for my failures. but i was never lost. i'd just forgotten the way life makes you forget as you grow older. and i never failed at anything because on that september day you said `yes' to me. and at that dance you said you loved me. and as i stand here. as i write this, i want you to know if i don't have you i'll die. not in a psycho way but in that beautiful, innocent, unaffected way only a 17 year old kid can have. oh and. p.s. i'm `hungry like the wolf'.