mr. g, you gotta nice butt. uh. it's like the central nervous system, that's your brain and spinal cord, and the lymphatic system, that's the stuff in your blood that fights diseases. don't pay no attention to them. they jus' tryin' tuh fuck wit' you, mr. g. i mean play wit' you. sorry i said you had a nice ass. i ain't no school girl. his name's snowball. like 'dat lil' pig dude from animal farm. shut up, cesar. chunt. shut up! 'young's rule formulates proper dosage levels for children and adolescents.' he shoulda woke up by now? sunland boyz gettin' crazy, ol lady's. fucked up. fuck dis being down shit. i wanna do somethin' wit' my life. 'gotta make j-c next year. 'got to! i ain't never gonna get up outta here. 'dat bitch quinn, i'm 'onna sue her ass. 'swear tuh god. english comp. she's failin' me. 'bitch say i don't talk right. she hates me. she's racist against me. hey, i'm a la raza, prof-eh. to make me pretty. it's a gang thing. but i'm kickin' dat shit. jus' cuz i look down for my neighborhood don't mean i'm stupit. i dunno. somebody could see us. no. no way. coke's awright. i jus' wan'ed to thank you. the wrist. and thumb. finished. so now you wan' me to use bad grammar. i know. we're all products of our environment 'n' shit. so you like hip-hop, mr. g? what kinda black man are you? why you here anyways? don't you got nothin' better t'do? comes from the heart, maestro. i'm a writer. not a fighter. she ain't gonna pick my paper. anyway, i don't wanna get up in fronna all those people and make a fool outta myself. what's dat? you gotta problem?! i don't know what yer talkin' 'bout! yer crazy. fuck you, asshole! shut up! fuck you, cesar. be nice to your brother, antonio. don't make me go get mommie. go play wit' your brothers. whatcha doin' here, maestro? no way. forget it. i can't. what's wrong wit' you. why'd they have to kill snowball? what's it fuckin' matter?! 'at school shit's for other kids, not me! what? he ain't done nuthin' tuh me. that boy's fulla shit. what's he been sayin'? he ain't never touched me no ways. what's he sayin'? he say he fucked me?! he say dat?! he's a damn liar! get the fuck outta here! i don't need yer damn pity and i don't need you! you made a mistake. dat's all. the title of my essay is, 'mi vida loca'. 'my crazy life'. ms. quinn, can i say somethin'? . may i say something? there's been a lotta talk las' couple weeks whether mr. garfield done those things they been writin' about in the newspaper. he once tol' me you can't blame everything on yer environment. but i t'ink you can push a good teacher too far and he might jus' go bad like anybody else. i dunno if mr. 'g' did all those bad things. all i know is dat teachers don't get no respect. 'at's the simple truth. and if mr. 'g' is responsible, well den he ain't the only one responsible. we're all responsible. you and me. all of us. i'm up here today cuz a him. he was dere for me when nobody else was. thing is. i shoulda been 'dere for him too. but i wasn't. i turned my back on the only person who ever cared about me. he said if i could stand up here and read my essay it would be a pyrrhic victory. i ast' 'im, 'what's up wit' dat?' he told me in my case it was irony. and to go look it up. so i did. i wonder now if mr. 'g' was really talking 'bout hisself. it refers to this guy named pyrrhus. he was a king back 'round 300 b.c. pyrrhus defeated the romans on two occasions. but those two victories lost him a large part of his army. now whenever people say something's a pyrrhic victory they mean it's a victory gained at too great a cost.