no, bell hasn't rung yet. okay, let's get inside. c'mon. . morning, morning. rise and shine. thank you for sharing, auggie. 'scuse me, you two. this isn't the playboy channel. 'morning, juanita. let's get started. august and tywan, you pass out the books. thank you, gentlemen. no, i don't own a pinto, tywan. okay, can i have everyone's attention? the purpose of the bicycle is to demonstrate the principle of centripetal force. that's the opposite of the force we studied yesterday, which was. centrifugal force. centripetal force is where the acceleration of a body moving in circular motion is directed toward its center by an opposing force, thus creating momentum that constrains the body to its circular path. like a gyroscope. it's better if i show you. here, tywan, you be my helper. tywan? come on. i need you to demonstrate centripetal force. here, have a seat. okay, hold the bike steady with your knees. that's it. seat positioned against your chest. okay, now crank the pedals and get that back wheel spinning about you'll see. be patient. put some muscle into it. keep pedaling. harder. now tilt the wheel to your right. walter, i need to speak with you. could you open it, please? one-eight-seven is a penal code number for murder, walter. means the same thing as t-o-s. 'terminate on the spot.' the book belongs to dennis broadway. he's a known gangster, walter -- a 'five percenter.' did you tell dennis broadway he was getting a fail from me? he's a transfer from nixon high school, isn't he? do you have him on a contract? and be with his homeboys. i don't think this kid's ready to deal with the consequences. i think he wants me dead. i should have been told, walter. what's wrong with that? never mind. it's not a problem. morning. yes, uh huh. if you're listening, god, please help me today. all i ask is a chance to do my job. t'do the job you put me here to do in the first place. please help me accept those things i cannot change. and give me strength to change those things i can. . this is me, trevor, god. amen. i'm a substitute. 'scuse me. i'm lost. i'm looking for bungalow. . eighty-six. thank you. eskander. before taking roll, i'd like to prove a point. it's not important what. or who. 'farfie' is. yuh wanna play, yuh gotta stay. have a seat, please. the point i'd like to make is this. anyone here can be a scientist. a scientist is like a detective. he investigates data. he scratches the surface of things he doesn't understand to see what's underneath. . things like this. okay, who wants to read? come on, we don't need disrespect. let 'im do it. what's your name? okay, barsek. read. okay, anyone know what barsek just said? that's alright. you don't need to understand something to answer a few simple questions about it. every one of you is capable of decoding data. watch. why was glis frapper? can anyone tell me? okay. that's right. you got it. let's try another. what did glis plimp? hold on, hold on. where's your teacher keep the chalk? i thought this was science. ms. eskander. you know how the books got outside? garfield. no, i'm not a gangster. would you please do me a favor and pick up the books? what's your name? sit down, please. okay, benny. that's enough. why do you wear a rosary? are you done? for future reference, anyone who disrupts a class, or in any way infringes on the rights of others to get an education, is subject to disciplinary action. when i'm here, ladies and gentlemen, i expect to be treated decently. . hopefully in an atmosphere of mutual respect. this classroom is our sanctuary, yours and mine. respect it. for your information, i am a real teacher. okay, who would like to help me pick up the books? trevor garfield. first time. i taught seven years in the bedford-stuyvesant section of brooklyn. roosevelt whitney high school. actually, he survived. october 27. getting stabbed doesn't make me a hero. they put 'im upstate in a facility until his twenty-first birthday. so why do you still teach? okay, someone tell me the difference between the central nervous system and the lymphatic system? you seem to be an expert on anatomy, miss -- -- nartinez. central nervous system and lymphatic system. what's the difference? very good. cesar. you writing on your desk? k-o-s, what's that? that a tagging crew? cartoon. is that you, cesar? 'k-o-s' has something to do with your friend benny? do me a favor, cesar. go get a paper towel from the counter and wipe off your desk. and mr. littleton, please oblige me and turn that tagger shirt inside-out. apology accepted. god forbid anyone should think that. shifts his gaze from them to the venetian blinds framing the window. to the clock over his desk. yeah. . ellen. i'm making time a reward instead of a distraction. it's alright. is that a good thing? not if the only thing you ever wanted to do was teach. i have. no thanks. they'd do that? because i flunked him. when they say they wanna kill you, you'd best take it serious. this kid was an o.t. -- opportunity transfer -- but nobody told me until it was too late. you talk to the principal? what'd benny say to you? does he know where you live? you can quit. sergio arrellano. blanca orantes. andrew blackwell. benny chacon. eskander filed for stress leave. they want me to finish out the semester. it's only 'til the end of the year. that's okay. no. no wife. sometimes. there's this passage in god's lonely man by thomas wolfe where he says, '. the whole conviction of my life rests upon the belief that loneliness is the central and inevitable fact of human existence.' i believe that. my new york mentality. it's not always easy looking on the bright side. actually, that wasn't the toughest part -- it's the robbery that's been hardest to recover from. my passion. my old, unguarded self. i resent that. i want them back. so do you. you mean where a light goes on? been awhile. so few you can actually get through to. you? uh-oh. saw it. jerry springer. male teachers can't do things like that. they get arrested. severely emotionally disturbed. that's great. no, no, i'm no good at that. it's alright. grab the baking soda outta the fridge. hey there, boy. you're a good dog. yes, you are. don't apologize. that's how most people react. you're welcome. good night. since some of you seem to have an interest in anesthetics, i've prepared a little demonstration. rita, bring your friend in the cage over here, please. you've read animal farm? you read animal farm, cesar? cesar, come up here. i want you to have a front row seat for this. and remove the 'lokes.' why your eyes so red? rita, would you bring me a sugar cube from the shelf over there? cesar, read young's rule for us. page 564. at the top. rita, give cesar your book. let 'im read. 'young's rule' go on. touch her again, cesar, and you'll answer to me personally. settle down, everyone. we all have to learn how to forgive and get along. c'mon, cesar, read. please. formulates. i say everyone deserves another chance. whadda you say, cesar? rita, would you please read young's rule for me? thank you. in the brown bottle i have a prescription for liquid demeral. a doctor. demeral is a morphine sulphate. and is soluble in water. young's rule says, divide the age of the patient by the patient's age plus twelve, giving us the fraction of the adult dosage suitable for the patient. in snowball's case, i've calculated the dosage necessary to tranquilize a one-year-old child. then further divided that fraction by 30, based on his weight, to arrive at .002 milligrams. don't worry, he'll be back to normal in exactly 10 minutes. okay, anyone who didn't finish answering the questions on 246, finish them for homework. hold it, cesar. where's my watch? empty your pockets, both of you. sorry. i'm trying to catch hyland before he leaves. i've been meaning to come by your room. has nothing to do with you, ellen. it's. hard for me. pretty much been like that since. you know, my accident. has nothing to do with you. no. i think i can manage that. am i being questioned? for the record, i primarily suspect mr. sanchez. although i wouldn't be surprised if stevie was an accomplice. beginning of sixth period, cesar admired the watch. i believe his exact words were, 'can i have it?' either way, i'd like my watch back. when i asked him to empty his pockets, cesar refused. i'd like a locker search, please. no, i didn't. no. that was my grandfather's watch. can't you see what they're doing? weren't you ever a teacher? i've been thinking about videotaping my classes. yeah, fine, go ahead. i'll wait. when's that? never been to san francisco. if you want, i'll take care of jack. sure you can. aren't you supposed to be at p.e. fifth period? you know this guy? rita, slow down. okay, okay. calm down a second. who's quinn? what's she teach? just cause you're a latina doesn't mean everyone's racist against you. okay. just stop blaming everyone else. you're too smart for that. and every mistake in that essay is fixable, okay? so relax, it's not the end of the world. tissues are in the first drawer. how come you always wear so much makeup? you don't need it. that your name? i know you're not. the ideas in your essay aren't the problem, rita. it's your punctuation and grammar. they need work. am i lying? if you want help i'm here for you. okay? have to be in the library after school. all right then, i'll come to your house. where then? you name the place. cesar, would you come up here please? since you were so concerned, i though you might like to know. i found my watch. whadda yuh propose to do, cesar? tell garcia? whadda yuh gonna tell 'im? that i broke into your locker to steal back the watch you denied taking? i don't think so. i'd say we're even now, wouldn't you, cesar? want something to drink? we have coke, fanta or sprite. 'want you to know, you're not the only one risking a reputation here. normally i don't tutor students at my house. rita, maybe you can clear something up. can you explain to me what machismo is all about? cuz this whole respect. code of honor thing baffles me. ask yourself this question. is pride really that important? put your clothes on, rita. no harm done. don't cry now. why don't you go ahead and copy the first rule there for the verb 'to be.' can you do that for me? you don't have to thank me, i'm your teacher. from now on i think the best thing for us to do is meet in the library. (prayerfully, to himself . i'll try. hello, cesar. no i didn't. enjoy hitting your mother, cesar? you must be proud of yourself. whatever you say, cesar. 'scuse me. what's going on? lakesia, who opened the door? dave. barsek, don't touch anything, okay? dave! no! let go of 'im! he didn't do anything. he's a good kid. been smokin' the chronic, cesar? you wouldn't happen t'know who vandalized bungalow eighty-six last night? garcia may not think there's enough here to prove anything. but you and i both know who's responsible. don't we? the ring, cesar. lemme have it. it's inappropriate attire. are you finished? software sells. jack's good. what's that supposed to mean? is that supposed to mean something? can't you see i'm talking to the lady?! i'm sorry. forgive me. jack? it's aspirin. i know about what's not fair. i left part of my lung in a damn hospital because some gangbanger didn't like the grade i gave him. sometimes you do all the right things. you work hard in school. get a good job. pay your taxes. things still go bad. i'm so sorry, ellen. name one of four parts that make up the human hand? hands, please. christian. the metacarpals. that's one. name some more? rita. good. . and don't forget the phalanges. may i come in? where'd you go the other night? i went for a run. wanna get some chinese later? there's a new place in the valley center. 'spose to be pretty good. i should probably correct papers anyway. some of these bungalow kids actually care about a grade. even cesar's doing better. today, for the first time since i took over for eskander, he actually did his work. today cesar sanchez was a success. maybe for the first time in his life. you alright? i really am sorry about jack. let's hava look. good. . i was just thinking, since your essay's about gangs and getting away from their influence, you probably could've left some of those double negatives you like so well. only if it suits your topic. no, i think that's just an excuse. i say if we're strong, we can rise above adversity. but it's like rap or hip-hop. correct all the grammar and it loses its impact. i hate it. everything i wanna do is right here. it's a good essay, rita. you put a lot of effort into it, it shows. ms. quinn was telling me she picks two seniors each year to read their essays at graduation. why not? it'd be a pyrrhic victory. in your case, irony. refers to king pyrrhus. never mind. look it up sometime. who's there? what's the matter? what? what is it? who told you that? benny was no saint, ellen. this is a kid who terrorized hald the school. he even broke into your house. maybe we should think about that 'fore we shed any tears. maybe he's better off. do you believe for every troubled kid like benny there's one or two others just waiting to take his place? like cesar. or his friend stevie. sometimes a person just runs out of bad choices. then he's gotta pay a price. what happened to cesar was inevitable. we make choices in life and we live by 'em. you and i chose to be teachers, to stand on principle. benny and cesar, they're takers. they want what they want, and they want it now. i'm sorry but everyone can't always get what they want. sometimes you gotta take responsibility for your actions. have you ever been ready to die for a fundamental principle? they haven't. you think those punks would die protecting your civil rights? did you know cesar hits his mother? steals money from her purse? did you know that? did you know he was here that night? in the alley? cesar. jack was provoked. it wasn't an accident, ellen. cesar killed him. i like you, ellen. i like you so much. do you believe that? you do know me. i'm a teacher, just like you. please, step out of the way. what is it, dave? how can i help you? you smell like beer. i better get goin'. thanks for the soda. you wear that thing at school? you're drunk. go to hell, dave. you probably think you and me are alike. peering toward the library doors. nothing. now above the doors. i want you to come back to school, rita. you can't afford to miss finals. they won't let you graduate. cesar and stevie won't bother you. that's a promise. they didn't. that's not true. you're so smart, rita. don't you know that? you have an opportunity here to change your life. please don't throw away everything we've worked for. i know what happened with childress. he won't ever touch you again. doesn't matter. but i need you, rita. i was trying to help her. rivetted. now he slides the cardboard box, along with his briefcase onto the front seat. shouldn't listen to me. i was half asleep. not tonight. have to finish some work. okay. i'm in here, cesar. yeah. i did. that macho enough for you, cesar? huh? that make me a man? then you do it. c'mon, show me what you got. mano a mano. i gotta be a fool to prove you're a fool? -- okay. c'mon. why -- you too chickenshit to play yer own game? got no cojones? you gonna let your homies defend your punk ass, cesar? you gonna let me dis you? i pulled three times, you pussy, you leva, you coward! lessee you pull one. c'mon, be a man! get some respect back! do it! i'm sayin' you're a fool. you think you got respect now? your kinda respect is bullshit. only thing you honor is stupidity. you ready to die for stupidity, cesar? i am, if it'll teach you somethin'. see you can't kill me, homeboy. yeah, my body. but what i am, who i was? that's been dead for over a year. and i'm never gonna get it back -- no matter how many of you i get rid of. i realize that now. . i was a teacher! i wanted to help you!. you can't kill me. and you can't scare me. yeah, but isn't that what you respect? bein' loco? don't listen to 'em, cesar. if you gonna live stupid don't do it half-assed -- take it all the way. take your turn. pull the trigger. macho is bullshit, fool! your whole way of life is bullshit! well then, i'll take your turn for you. 119: 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 2. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 3. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 6. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 12. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 21. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 24. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 30. as they open -- revealing the clock -- and just as suddenly close. tilt down to find trevor working the cords to the blinds he's rigged over the timeplace. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 34. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 36. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 11. 96 37. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 11. 96 38. amid unresponsive cross talk: 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 41. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 42. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 43. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 46. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 50. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 54. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 55. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 56. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 58. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 59. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 62. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 64. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 67. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 68. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 77. trevor, a beaten hypnotic gaze, watches as an animal regulations officer fatefully slams the cargo door of his truck. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 78. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 81. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 82. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 83. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 84. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 10. 96 85. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 22. 96 97. establish hoardes of cowboy hats, belt sashes and boots as they dance to the loud mexican band music on the patio. into a parabolic mirror above the library doors. 1 8 7 - rev. 9. 4. 96 118. 1 8 7 - rev. 9. 4. 96 119. 1 8 7 - rev. 9. 4. 96 120. 1 8 7 - rev. 9. 4. 96 121. 1 8 7 - rev. 9. 4. 96 122. 1 8 7 - rev. 7. 11. 96 122b.