i'm pretty busy right now, garfield. what is it? don't suppose this kid cares about our budget crisis? have the textbook room charge him for the book. for chrissake, i know what it stands for. look, kid probably heard it in a rap song. doesn't mean anything. garfield, if i had a dollar for every time a student threatened faculty. don't you think you're overreacting a little? i have legal access to those files. look, i'm not obligated to track you down every time a transfer student comes through here. you want confidential information like that, come look it up in his cum . if he gets through the semester without a fail then he gets to go back to nixon, so what? so he blew his opportunity. now he has to learn to live with the consequences. relax, has nothin' to do with you. hey, i'm on your side, garfield, but my hands are tied. kid has a right to his privacy. know what your problem is? you're an idealist. you only see what you wanna see, that's what's wrong. on one hand you think someone's trying to kill you. on the other hand you actually believe kids are paying attention in your classes. tell you what, as soon as i get a chance i'll summons the kid. promise.