hi. frank. coming in, please. okay. hi. how's it going? sure, what is it? what's up? yes? yes, i remember you mentioning it. i got mine about the same time. interesting that you mention it, because i've got the same problem. yes. did they have any explanation for this? it's possible. i don't think we should make any fuss about it yet. i'm sure they'll straighten it out. no. i never did, either. i suppose the idea was specialized training. oh? no, as a matter of fact, i didn't. well, what is it? that seems very unlikely. of course, it would be very easy for us to find out now. just ask hal. it's conceivable they might keep something from us, but they'd never keep anything from hal. well. it's silly, but. if you want to, why don't you? he's got a point. still, you really don't believe it, do you? yes, but it's to fantastic to think that they'd keep something from us. but not completely inconceivable? i guess it isn't. well, the only important aspect of the mission are: where are we going, what will we do when we get there, when are we coming back, and. why are we going? what is it, hal? right. let me see the antenna alignment display, please. i understand hal. we'll take care of it. please, let me have the hard copy. well, i suppose it's lucky that that's the only trouble we've had so far. five by five, frank. how's it going? well, that's something. i suppose computers have been known to be wrong. anyway, it's just as well that we replace it. better safe than sorry. good morning. how's it going? oh, i'm fine, i'm wide awake. what's up? you're kidding. what the hell is going on? two units in four days. how many spares do we have? well, i hope there's nothing wrong with the assembly on those. other- wise we're out of business. well, as far as i'm concerned, there isn't a damn thing wrong with these units. i think we've got a much more serious problem. yes. not now, hal, i'd like to talk to you about something. you know that we checked the two ao-units that you reported in imminent failure condition? you probably also know that we found them okay. well, that's just not the case, hal. they are perfectly all right. we tested them under one hundred per cent overload. hal, is there anything bothering you? anything that might account for this problem? okay, hal, well let's see the way things go from here on. i know all about your service record, hal, but unfortunately it doesn't prove that you're right now. yes, well i understand you view on this now, hal. x-ray-delta-zero to mc, zero- five-three-three. the computer has just reported another predicted failure off the aac- unit. as you suggested, we are going to wait and see if it fails, but we are quite sure there is nothing wrong with the unit. what's up? let me see the alignment display. well, i'll be damned. it seems that way. i'm sorry about the misunderstanding, hal. and don't you worry about it. yes, it is, hal. right. give me the manual antenna alignment, please. well, we'd better get out there and stick in another unit. well, now that we've got one that's actually failed, we should be able to figure out what's happened and fix it. i didn't do that frank. i took particular care not to freeze them. i guess not. roger. hello, frank. hello frank. hello frank. do you rad me, frank? hello, frank. do you read me, frank? wave your arms if you read me but your radio doesn't work. hello, frank, wave your arms, frank. yes, it is. yes. i am. hal, give me manual hibernation control. yes, i have. the antenna has to be replaced. it doesn't have to be, hal. it's more dangerous to be out of touch with earth. let me have manual control, please. well, in any event, give me the manual hibernation control. i'm goin to do this myself, hal. let me have the control, please. hal, switch to manual hibernation control. i don't feel like resting. give me the control, hal. hal, i'm in command of this ship. i order you to release the manual hibernation control. hal, unless you follow my instructions, i shall be forced to disconnect you. i am prepared to do that anyway. listen to me very carefully, hal. unless you immediately release the hibernation control and follow every order i give from this point on, i will immediately got to control central and carry out a complete disconnection.