how nice to see you, hyewood. this is my good friend, dr. heywood floyd. i'd like you to meet andre smyslov. and this is dr. kalinan. stretyneva. well. how's your lovely wife? and your charming little daughter? oh, that's such a delightful age. he's fine. but i'm afraid we don't get a chance to see each other very much these days. actually, we're on our way back from the moon. we've just spent three months calibrating the new antenna at tchalinko. and what about you? another thing, heywood, two days ago, one of our rocket buses was denied permission for an emergency landing at clavius. clavius control came on the air just long enough to transmit their refusal. are you sure you won't change your mind about a drink? well, i hope that you and your wife can come to the i.a.c. conference in june. well, gregor and i will look forward to seeing you.