how do you do, mr. miller? oh, please don't worry about it. please, it really doesn't matter. yes, very pleasant. fine. moon, american, floyd, heywood, i've always wondered. oh, that's wonderful. yes, i think so. just about then. yes, it's coming along very well. oh, look, i've got to make a phone call. why don't you go on into the restaurant and i'll meet you in there. hello, darling, how are you? i'm at space station five, darling. how are you? well, i hope in a few days, sweetheart. yes, i know that sweetheart. no, i'm sorry, darling, i told you i won't be home for a few days. in three days, darling, i hope. one, two, three. can i speak to mommy? where is mrs. brown? okay, sweetheart. well, i have to go now. tell mommy that i called. three, darling. one. two . three. be sure to tell mommy i called. okay, sweetheart. have a lovely birthday party tomorrow. i'll wish you a happy birthday now and i'll see you soon. all right, darling? 'bye, 'bye, now, sweetheart. good morning. i'd like the vision shopper for the pet shop, please. yes, i'd like to buy a bush baby. yes, well. pick out a nice one for me, a friendly one, and i'd like it delivered tomorrow. thank you very much. floyd, heywood, r., first national bank of washington. please deliver to miss josephine floyd, 9423 dupre avenue, well, how nice to see you again, elena. you're looking wonderful. i'm afraid i've only got a few minutes, but i'd love to. oh, i really don't have time for a drink. if it's all right i'll just sit for a minute and then i've got to be off. yes, really, thank you very much. she's wonderful. oh, she's growing up very fast. as a matter of fact, she's six tomorrow. how is gregor? well, where are all of you off to? well, as it happens, i'm on my way up to the moon yes,as a matter of fact, i am. is there any particular reason why you ask? i'm sorry, but i'm not sure i know what you mean. really? well, i suppose they've been having a bit of trouble with some of the equipment. you mean you haven't been able to get anyone at the base for ten days? i see. how did they manage to do that without any communication? well, that does sound very odd. yes. well, i hope the crew got back safely. well, i'm glad about that. certainly. i'm sorry, dr. smyslov, but i'm really not at liberty to discuss this. dr. smyslov. i'm not permitted to discuss this. no, thank you. and i'm afraid now i really must be going. we're trying to get there. i hope we can. thank you. it's been a great pleasure to meet all of you. dr. smyslov. oh, marvellous. it's the first real sleep i've had for the past two days. when do we arrive at clavius? oh, no, thank you. the two girls have taken wonderful care of me. i'm just fine. thank you. what do you mean? i see. i'm afraid that's out of my depart- ment, captain. i see. well, i'm sorry about that. i wouldn't think there's any cause for alarm. i wish i could be more helpful, captain, but as i've said, i don't think there's any cause for alarm. no, of course, captain, i can understand your concern. i must congratulate you halvorsen. you've done wonder- ful things with the decor since the last time i was here. first of all, i bring a personal message from dr. howell, who has asked me to convey his deepest appreciation to all of you for the personal sacrifices you have made, and of course his congratulations on your discovery which may well prove to be among the most significant in the history of science. this is the view of the council and the purpose of my visit here is to gather addition facts and opinions on the situation and to prepare a report to the council recommending when and how the news should eventually be announced. are there any questions? i'm afraid it can and it will be kept under wraps as long as it is deemed to be necessary by the council. and of course you know that the council has requested that formal security oaths are to be obtained in writing from every- one who had any knowledge of this event. there must be adequate time for a full study to be made of the situation before any con- sideration can be given to making a public announcement. can we go down there closer to it? does your geology on it still check out? how can you tell it was deliberately buried? any clue as to what it is? but you don't have any idea as to what it is? was it abandoned, forgotten, left for a purpose? any ideas about the colour? has it been exposed to any sun before now? and so this is the first sun that it's had in four million years. good day, gentlemen. when you see this briefing, i presume you will be nearing your destination, saturn. i hope that you've had a pleasant and uneventful trip and that the rest of your mission continues in the same manner. i should like to fill you in on some more of the details on which mission commander kaminsky will have already briefed you. what is its purpose? i wish we knew. the object was buried on the moon about four million years ago, when our ancestors were primative man-apes.