i still can't believe that wilson chose him of all people to run the white house. shame he's such a pompous ass. we were talking about what a great speech you gave tonight. well done, sir. professor west? sir, the president needs to know this. four months this week. if this is about what i said last night, i am truly sorry, sir. can you please have a look at this, sir? it's really important. an indian astrophysicist i graduated with from harvard and prof. west, the preeminent geologist in the us. no one, sir. i'll be with you in a second, professor. we're geologists. i'll handle this officer. thank you. that's what we're trying to find out. we think this whole area has become potentially unstable. i would advise you to take your kids and leave, mr. curtis. are you by any chance the jackson curtis, the author of `farewell atlantis'? what a coincidence. i'm reading your book, as we speak. first third, around day 300, when the shuttle loses communication with earth and drifts off into space. actually i didn't buy it. my father gave it to me. officer, can you return them to the campgrounds, please. pleasure to meet you, mr. curtis. you have to immediately inform the president, mr anheuser. the readings look much worse than i expected. plus satnam's neutrino figures from india confirm. we were wrong! by five or six months. i'll make this brief. according to our latest data from yellowstone, the temperature of the subterranean crust of the earth, the cement that holds our landmass in place, is increasing at a rapid rate, much faster than anticipated. this causes extreme polar instability. the magnetic fields have decreased by more than 80% over the last 48 hours. two, maybe three days if we're lucky. dad. what i have to tell you is very serious. you remember when i told you about the dam in china? well, it's happening much sooner than we anticipated. the president has ordered us to clear out the white house. where are you, dad? what exactly is the course of the `freedom' right now?. i love you, dad. have you seen this? any news from yellowstone? just a few minutes ago yellowstone erupted, sir. the ash cloud will reach washington in roughly 7 hours. maybe 6. we have strong easterly winds. no one knows, sir. he's praying sir. which considering the circumstances is not a bad idea. mr. president? we need to get you out of washington immediately. that's not your fault sir. a little. there would have been chaos, sir. but sir? where's anheuser? the president is not coming. i couldn't convince him to. what about the speaker of the house? but she's commander in chief now. sir, i just think - he wanted to stay with his people. can i come in? but i do. your dad and i. we were trying to protect you. but you were doing a good job. you know what your father believed. that nature will choose itself from itself. that's not true. what would you say were the chances of a first time, middle-aged writer, who barely sold 500 copies of his novel making it on board this plane? it's called `farewell atlantis' and it's a fantastic read. it's part of our legacy now. what if i tried to sort some of this mess out? i need to know you can forgive me. one more thing. your father told me you were the most precious thing to him in the whole world. you are to me too. do we have any news from the japanese seaboard? we expect enormous tsunamis to reach landfall in every continent. the cho ming area will be impacted in approximately six hours. and it looks like the crust has shifted by nearly 23 degrees in a south- westerly direction. here's the computer simulation. our data also shows, that our earth's poles have reversed their magnetic fields. it's the south pole, sir. satnam? what?! satnam, what happened? do we have the latest satellite images of napam, india? looks like our model was wrong. satnam was talking about a wave from the east. the flooding will happen earlier. bobby, can you plug in the new data please? satnam didn't get picked up. this one is at least 1500 meters high! bobby, plug in the new data and adjust the count down? anheuser convinced them all to launch. anheuser! we have to stop this madness. bobby, make sure the other bridges can hear this. i know exactly what i'm doing. turn it on! this is adrian helmsley, science advisor to president wilson. i know we've all been involved in making difficult decisions. to save our human civilization. but to be human means to care for each other, and civilization means to work together to create a better life. if that's true there is nothing human and nothing civilized about what we're doing here. ask yourselves . can we really stand by and let all those people out there die? a civilization that allows that, does not deserve to survive. don't do it! we have to open our gates and let these people in. all of them. there is a young astrophysicist from india who is the reason we are all here, trying to give mankind a second chance. he's the one who discovered it all, the one who connected the dots. we all owe him our lives. i just learned that he was killed with his family by a tsunami in eastern india. you know why? he died because we forgot to pick him up. captain michaels, you heard them. can you zoom in? i know those kids. remember the book i told you about? their father wrote it. captain, over here. i think we found the problem. how did they get in there? let's get an emergency crew there right now. i'll meet them at the hydraulic chamber. what are you all waiting for? there's no way to override it? then how will we get to the hydraulic chamber? is there any way to talk to them? mr. curtis. i'm adrian helmsley. we met once before. your daughter is with me. we can't get to you. whatever you did, jammed the hydraulics. if you can't get it out. none of us will make it. you're our only hope. captain michaels - close the gate! day 988. no one is waiting for anything to happen. and all we can hear is the sound of our own breathing that reminds us we are still sharing our memories, hopes and ideas. and funny, just today we found out that the entire crew of the atlantis, somehow or another, has relatives in wisconsin. less than 500. it's what you might call a cult classic. you called for me, sir? this is helmsley. dad!. is that you? dad. we're coming to pick you guys up. how's tony? see you guys soon. bye dad. pardon me? i finally finished your book jackson. i'd say. those astronauts of yours would be shitting themselves, if they knew all their relatives are now stuck in the south pole.