somebody mention my name? which one is it? it's helmsley, right? i'll remember that. helmsley, how long have you been on the job as science advisor? i would say that's enough time to learn that we have rules here. you'll just have to wait until the quarterly science briefing. so you didn't like my speech? who wrote this? who else knows about it? let's keep it that way, helmsley. but you guys said. sir, you have to initiate the boarding process immediately. they estimate four of the ships will be ready for launch. if it's alright with you sir, i'll brief the panel about the new development. apologies prime minster. he's still new to the job. and the crustal displacement? let's get the government airborne and. i mean now. where is the president, sally? the whole north american continent is about to perish, and wilson decides to go to church! maybe. but right now i need the leader of the free world off his knees and on air force one. wheels up 1900 hours. can i leave that with you helmsley? so, the captain doesn't want to leave his sinking ship? in this chaos. i have no idea! i don't care what you think, helmsley. your ass only made it into the white house, because your old man knew the first lady. and because of all that affirmative action bullshit. there was a white kid, much more qualified than you. just so you know. there is a protocol for just this situation ms. wilson and i'm afraid we'll have to follow it to the letter. tell the captain, to take off immediately. that's affirmative, mr. president. until communication is restored, i am in command. it seems all other heads of state are en route, however there are unconfirmed reports that the italian prime minister has also decided to stay behind and trust in prayer rather than action. any clue what to expect next, professor? at least some good news. would our science advisor care to give us his assessment? so helmsley, what you're telling us here is that. the north pole is now somewhere in wisconsin? i've been told of damages? dr. wilson, there's a protocol for all that. you just stick to your art. we'll handle the rest. captain? where is the bridge? helmsley, what's going on here? what does this mean? talk to me helmsley. what does this mean for us? get me the other heads of state. what do you think you're doing? we'll miss you helmsley but somehow we'll get by. officer switch that off. that's an order soldier. have you lost your mind? look at the countdown. we have less than five minutes left. and none of our ships have the resources to feed those people. if you save them today we all starve tomorrow. do you wanna be responsible for the extinction of the human race? can you handle that, adrian?! do it! why is the stern gate not closing? you're damn right something went wrong! congratulations helmsley, you may have just killed us all but as long as your conscience is clean. you think you're the main man now, just because your fucking the president's daughter? captain, what's happening? put that woman down helmsley. young guys like you with your idealistic dreams, you think you can change the world. i just pray to god, that you keep on making the right calls. in this new world of ours. mr. helmsley, one more thing. there was no one. there was no white kid better than you. i'm terribly sorry i said that.