what did the government guys tell you? unstable! ha-ha! they say its unstable! that's funny. this is charlie frost reporting live from yellowstone national park, soon to become the world's largest active volcano. i only got a few minutes. the apocalypse, the end of days. the mayans knew it, the i ching and the bible, kind of. i got to eat. just check my blog. you can download it for free. however, we do take donations. and albert einstein endorsed it. the forces of mother nature will be so devastating it will bring an end to this world on winter solstice 12-21-12. pretty neat, huh? it's a big hit on youtube. i did the animation myself. they can't. just think about it. first the stockmarket would crash. then the economy. boom. the dollar. boom. and then the people in the streets. boom, boom! pandemonium, revolution, war! they would never tell us. beer? only if you're some sheik, bill gates, or maybe one of those russian billionaires do you stand a chance to buy a seat. no really. one of my listeners, a geography professor at utsc, has even figured out where they're building them. he sent me a map. get them out of yellowstone, man. it's gonna get ugly here. sorry for the delay, folks. but even in times like these, a man has got to eat. i wish you guys at home could see this on tv. how did you make it up here? thought you were toast. you can't make it there. you'll never make it out in time. just stay and enjoy the big bang. that your kid? easy, easy. watch the mic. i don't know. somewhere in my camper. wow! look at that!. fly birdies fly! this marks the last day of the united states of america folks and by tomorrow. the last of mankind. soon they'll see us from a million miles away, out there in the milky way. it's beautiful, kids! just beautiful! folks, always remember, you heard it first from charlie.