oh no. not again. hello?. what do you mean? i'm not late. it's not even 10:30. damn it! kate, i'm on my way. for god's sake. they're kids, kate, going on vacation. it's not a doctor's appointment. it's supposed to be fun. you remember that, right? fun? i know it's mosquito season at yellowstone, kate. i'll pick some up on the way. don't call me jackson, noah, i'm your father. this is better hours for me. means i can still write. still? hang on, sweet pea, let daddy listen to this for a moment. to a very special place, lil'bee. it's a lake. a place where mommy and daddy fell in love. remember the book i gave you? i'm your dad, noah. this wasn't here before. it's fine guys. it's gone. the whole darn lake is gone. i swear you guys there was a lake here. it's okay, noh'. isn't this supposed to be a national park? there shouldn't be fences. what are you guys doing around here anyway? so, where did the lake go? you're one of lucky 422 who bought it. oh, i see. yes he was, lil'bee. they think it's not such a good idea to climb over their fences. they feel the area is unstable. we'll get some of that tomorrow. for tonight just put your head under the blankie. i'm not honey, i promise. are you wearing your pull-ups? did mommy buy you that? noah. things like a cell phone have to be discussed in the family. go to sleep guys. hi. mind if i join you? i just heard part of your broadcast. mind me asking a question? what exactly is it. that will start in hollywood? what are you talking about? if they all knew, don't you think somebody would tell us? a seat? oh. i see. well. charlie, i think i gotta go. my kids are sleeping. night, charlie. just stop scratching. you'll get them infected. something for mosquito bites please? what? lilly, we're home sweetie. wake up big man. we tried calling but - back in westwood, mister karpov. are you guys blind? i can't run people over. where can i rent a plane? kate, we have to get out of la! i've rented a plane for us. get the kids ready! i'll be there in five. are you kidding me! the governor's a meathead, how would he know anything? kate listen! you gotta trust me over some politician. come on. we have to leave! noah, let's go! noah, now! kate please. get in the car! damn it! where's the pilot? did you cover taking off? that's good enough for me. i'm coming. come on, come on. are you okay? i didn't. do we have enough fuel to make it to yellowstone? guys, there's fuel! fill her up and i'll look for charlie. kate, everything this guy said so far has happened. i'll be right back. it's fine! i'll take her. he's got to be close by, lil'bee. listen to me. we have to find charlie. he's got a secret map, you know, like jack sparrow in `pirates'. lil', we have to work as a team now, okay? you have to help me. dial mommy's number, sweetheart. tell her we'll be back in ten minutes. you're the best, darling. give daddy the phone. kate i am sorry, i can't talk. you wait here for me! you watch the ship while captain curtis talks to the pirate. okay? the spaceships charlie, where are they? we have a plane. we can get you out of here too. let's go charlie! where is that god damn map! we're on our way. just don't look back, lil'bee! lilly! down! stay down there, lil'! we're almost there! just keep looking at daddy. stay down darling. you guys go! i'll be right there! thanks for waiting guys. we're gonna need a bigger plane. you don't understand, it's our only chance. we can't get stuck here. you bastard. you knew it all along! you and those spoiled rotten sons of yours. let's go! i guess. so tell me mr. karpov - how much did you pay? that's disgusting. how much fuel do we have? couldn't sleep huh? me neither. nothing, just static. not even an emergency signal. i couldn't have left you. by `people' are we talking about me? well i certainly eat a lot more cereal now. do you love him? gordon. let's go wake up the kids. what are you talking about? i don't hate gordon. i don't know him that well. i'll give it a try, noah. i promise. sasha told us, it could get a little bumpy. and wet. your daddy has to tell you something. i know that with my writing and work i didn't have a lot of time for you both. i wasn't there for you, the way i should have been. and i am so very sorry for that. no shit. way to go charlie! we're waiting for sasha and gordon. everybody okay back there? thank you. say thank you, kids. keep thinking warm thoughts sweetheart. you're doing great. you guys hear that? hey! help! wait for us! shit! shit! come with daddy. at least take our children with you. please. for the same reason you sent for your parents. move lil'bee! tamara! come on! get in! tamara! get in! noah! watch out! we have to stop it! you did it, man. you did it. we have to move him higher. over there! i'll go back. i'll try my best. you stay with mommy. i'll be right back. if you would ever consider to give me another chance. i promise, i'll always be there when you need me. there's nothing we can go back to lil'bee. whatever's out there, that's our home now. don't be scared. i thought you might want this. excuse me, i believe he's addressing the author. well, what did you think?