hey jackson. took you a while. i found us a plane, an antonov. they were just about to take off, but the tower didn't let them. sure. but i need a copilot. guys, follow me! you'll find folding seats on each side of the cargo hold. sit down and buckle up! you check the main bus for the hydraulics. i'll balance the tanks. work the radio and keep an eye on the fuel, okay? shut up! we will! govno! . help me pull! ladies and gentlemen, we are on our way to china. hi guys. the plan is to refuel in hawaii. so, buckle up. gordon and i will do the rest. why did you give up? there's 14 on each side. some of them must still be there. still nothing from the tower? the state of hawaii! not enough. we'll have to make a water landing somewhere in the south china sea. engine failure. govno! two of six are down. we must get ready. don't ask me how that happened. there's no more ocean, and it looks like we're pretty close to where we wanted to go. we lost our last two engines. i'll shoot for that glacier. drain the brake fluids. it's going to get rocky. there, the blue levers! listen up guys! this may sound a little crazy, but here's what you got to do. chto za. gordon! we're still too fast! now! open it! your turn gordon! go! make sure that they make it out of here before i touch down! i'll be fine! i have to land this thing! what are you waiting for!