montgomery brogan? he better stay calm or i'll have the pound come get him. i've seen too many men bit by these little bastards . monty whistles and doyle stands and walks over to him. monty crouches, one hand stroking doyle's thick neck. ms . rosario? that's your name , right? i need you to stay right here, ma'am. can't have you sneaking around. naturelle leans against the wall, looking for a sign from monty, who gives her none. the agents don't seem to be searching very hard. hm. he stares down at the sofa he's sitting on . no , it's this sofa. it's very uncomfortable. it's lumpy. maybe it's the padding? probably the padding. he pulls out handfuls of white fiber filling and lets them drift to the floor. monty and naturelle watch. mr. brogan, i do believe you're fucked. good looking girl you got there. monty glares at him. brzowski pretends to sh,iver. naturelle rosario. what a name. you see the body on that girl? cunningham laughs again. no, no, you've got it all wrong. she fucking touched you. am i? that's sweet, you really trust her . all i know is, she's walking away. we just signed her release. bye bye , naturelle. sure, why not? big celebration. she's got that whole big apartment to herself now. you're supposed to be smart. got yourself a scholarship to a fancy private school, huh? not bad for a kid from bensonhurst. but it's not too late, brogan . first felony offense, we can offer you a nice deal. you just gotta be smart . so why don't you tell us about your friend uncle blue.