coming out with us later on? slattery looks up at his boss, ari lichter, early forties, a plump, genial man. big date? the subject clearly makes slattery uncomfortable. listen, the other thing, you're still holding onto all those contracts? i don't like it. the claims numbers have dropped three weeks straight. everybody's thinking that because it's pretty much always true. frank-- oh good, you've got a theory. look, you're in awfully deep. you've got sixty million of the bank's money in there-- a hundred million? jesus, frank. a week ago. they raised your limit a week ago, and you're already maxing out. cut your stake in half, all right? you've been doing a great job, everyone knows that, but i'm still you r boss and i'm telling you: sell those contracts. lichter grips slattery's shoulder for a moment and then walks toward his office , exchanging hellos with other traders on the floor. phelan, fresh from college, walks down the row, handing fax sheets to all the traders. he hands a sheet to slattery, wh o looks-at--it briefly before crumpling it . . slattery! we're good? slattery nods and gives a thumbs up. as soon as lichter returns to his office, slattery hangs up the phone . marcuse sticks his head above the partition again.