you met with brogan this morning. - uncle blue's accent, like his age, is difficult to pi n down. he could be afghani or iranian or turkish. and? you won't be there, mr . gedny. win more trials. gedny laughs but quickly notices that uncle blue and valghobek are not amused. the judge kept him out of stepback. why? if he's not talking with the federals, how come he's still on the street? they know more than you think. if brogan's telling the truth, he was touched. the dea went straight to his sofa. they knew exactly where it was. correct. what time is monty coining tonight? no , he won't. bring him here at three. you hear me? three o'clock. from midnight on, i want you somewhere else. nobody comes down here, you got that? montgomery. how is the party? the first time i went to prison i was fourteen years old, a skinny little boy. very afraid. by the time i came out i had my beard. i was a grown man. i went back to my hometown, i found my mother, i kissed her. and she screamed. she did not recognize me . i have been in three different prisons, montgomery, in three different countries. you know what i learned? monty shakes his head and waits. seven years is a long time. some men would do anything to avoid seven years in prison. monty waits. your father, i like your father. a hard- working man. he has had bad luck, some very bad luck. everyone in the neighborhood loved your mother. you remember her, senka? i want to help your father. i could use a man like that, a hard-working man, a man i could trust. i could take care of your father. do you understand what i mean, montgomery? i asked you a question, montgomery. i have a good job for your father. we'll help him with the money he owes. uncle blue turns monty's gun in his hands. he checks the slide's action. he ejects the magazine, peers at the top cartridge, slaps the magazine back into the pistol's butt, good weapon. accurate? monty nods. polymer frame, very good, easy to clean. and reliable? no jams? monty shakes his head. he turns around for a moment. the zakharov twins are staring at him. monty turns back. uncle blue smiles. have you ever fired it? at someone, i mean. no. good. it is a toy for you. not toy, prop. a prop for you. like an actor. am i wrong? with the gun you feel more.