nobody's talking to you. keep your mouth shut. your father's a hardworking man . where's his bar? in bay ridge? 86th street and 6th avenue, am i right? at least he has a short commute. he can practically walk to work. where does he live, 17th avenue? and what was the cross- street? 81st? 8002 17th avenue. is that right? the first floor. that must be noisy, living on the first floor. but he doesn't walk to work, does he? he drives. -a 1987 honda. should-i tell you how many miles he has on the car? monty stares at the floor. sure. she was a beautiful woman. a real sweetheart. how many people knew you kept the stuff inside your sofa cushion? eh? your girlfriend, kostya, who else? ^i they put the clamps on him, and instead of being a man about it, taking the time himself, he sold you out. uncle blue hands valghobek monty's pistol. valghobek walks over to monty and offers it to him. do it. kostya weeps, softly, his big body shuddering. uncle blue, face impassive behind his heavy beard, watches carefully.