inspector jack cates, s.f.p.d. and you're wanted. i don't answer questions, i ask 'em. this is a .44 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world. you gotta ask yourself just one question. are you feelin' lucky? hey, you're right. that's the way i see it, too. what's wrong with that? what'd you do? i guess he got the message. positive self-image problem all over again . you are who you decide you are unless you're the type that lets assholes decide for you. i do think all psychotherapy is bullshit. but just because i think it's bullshit doesn't mean i don't know something about it. hey, you know what i really think? i think you're ashamed to tend bar which is sad because you look great in that outfit they make you wear. you pull down four bills a week which is damn good, and you mix the best pina coladas i've ever had. i think that if you need bigger and better things . then go for em. some things are simple, right? what makes you think i have any clean shirts at my place? maybe you ought to buy me one. i'm here. and i've been coming back for quite awhile. let's not hassle, okay? and can i have a cup of coffee? please. maybe i got a fairly crummy day ahead. maybe you don't know what the hell you're talking about. what do you want to know? what difference does it make? i'm the guy in your bed the last three months. i make you feel good. you make me feel good. what the hell else do you want from a guy? i don't have time for this. i gotta go to work. look, i'm glad i'm in your life. and hell, with an ass like yours, i figure anything might be possible. that's the way i see it, too. you sure you want me to? thanks for the coffee. guess people ought to know who i am. son of a bitch. hey, fellas, what's happening? radio said you guys had something on. suspect packed or is this a laugher? yeah, well, i guess you two are experts at taking boy scout knives away from teenagers. hey, i'm just offering to help out. i like to watch real pros work. fine, it's your show. maybe you should of been a lawyer instead of a dumb skirt workin' behind a register. mr. polson, room 27. sure. great. whatever. arrives at the halfway turn of the second staircase. he takes the next flight in two jumps. you lying son of a bitch. read the report. no shit. they were good cops who fucked up and got careless. yeah. the truth hurts, doesn't it, buddy? i need to borrow a piece. are you gonna tell me about police procedure? do me a favor, don't give me a bunch of crap. just shut the fuck up. five minutes. i heard you, your voice carries. did he give you a return match? maybe he didn't like your performance. i'll take a raincheck. i don't get it. she turns, produces the third photo. pins it beside the one from the walden hotel. look at it this way, ruth. if there weren't, what would there be for us to do? cates looks up as he hears that remark. notices kehoe, another detective, entering with a long suitcase. is that what this guy ganz had in the hotel? i'll help you out. shit. billy bear. who are all these? wait a minute, wait a minute. who's this? tell me that's not the same guy. i think i wanna have a discussion about it with any of the ones still walking. can we find them? one of em's in the slam. i want to be left alone on this one. algren was killed with my gun. hey, the bastard's got my gun. i want it back. yeah. yeah. it bothers me when cops get hurt while i'm makin' a play. i don't like it. being a hot dog's worked pretty well for me so far. besides, i got a lead. you really know how to send a guy out with a great attitude. he starts to go. yeah? i'll keep it in mind. yeah, one of my favorites. yeah, guess it must have been a slow news day. sure, okay, fine, no problem. see, there's this kid in jail . first thing i got to do is go up and see what he knows . i got nothing to recuperate from. there's a guy out there with my gun, and i want it back. bullshit? i'll tell you about bullshit. my gun's a real weapon in the hands of a real maniac who knows how to use it. it isn't my macho bullshit that's killing people, my gun is . i didn't get burned, two cops did. listen, i'll tell you about personnel responsibility. i like to get the job done right. and if i don't get my job done right. i'm for shit. that's right. i'm not like you. i'm not gonna sit on my ass wondering what's right and what's wrong. there's a psycho out there killing people with my gun and i'm gonna get him. because it's my job. and if you don't get that. no one asked you to like it. but that's the way it is. no, no thanks. he walks down the cell block. inmates stare at him from inside the stark cells. they don't know who he is, but they can smell a cop. cates stops at twenty-two, looks inside. a bit startled. obviously, reggie hammond has connections and taste. the paint is fresh; there's framed prints on the wall instead of pin-ups, and the overall feeling is that of a graduate school dorm rather than a prison. cates turns, nods to the guard at the end of the cell block. he throws a switch and the door opens. hammond. hammond! hammond! try cates. and let's talk in private, okay? look, convict, i know all about you. single. no fixed address. no known relatives. not likely, reggie. maybe i just need some help. too bad, reggie. i thought maybe you were a smart boy. but i guess if you were real smart you wouldn't be a convict. i can see a second-rater like you wouldn't be any help at all goin' up against a real hard case like ganz. yeah, i noticed. didn't work out that way. he busted out with a big indian. they capped two guards on a road gang. nice meeting you reggie. yeah? you're crazy. what's the big deal about you bein' on the street? bullshit. i'll think about it. let me borrow your pen, bob. shit, no. right. hey, no sweat. sure thing. this prison gives out $400 suits? we're supposed to be after a killer, not a string of hookers. i don't need to hear your jive. i already got that department taken care of. you just don't get it, do your reggie? there isn't any deal. i own your ass. get this. we ain't partners. we ain't brothers. we ain't friends. i'm puttin' you down and keepin' you down until ganz is locked up or dead. and if ganz gets away, you're gonna be sorry we ever met. yeah. okay, let's get down to it. i did my part and got you out. so now you tell me where we're goin'? luther was part of the gang? i can read a police file, shithead, and quit calling me jack. i don't give a damn. it happens to be my name. i may call you worse than that. your pal nuts enough to take a shot at me? i'm helpin' you, huh? sure thing, asshole. you just hang on. and hope this big move of yours turns out to be something. opens the car door. moves down the corriaor, checks the rooms off to one sides. hammond, drop the goddamn gun. i'm tellin' you to drop the goddam gun. just throw me the goddamn gun. come on, talk to him. i sure ain't his fairy godmother. now i'm looking for ganz. where is he? you just took a shot at me, asshole. i think you do know where he is. hey, this works pretty good. want to try it again? i think i met her. now tell us something we don't know, like where they stashed her. when? how? what do you think? he's gotta take that call . if there is one. i don't know what the hell you're smiling about, watermelon. your big move turned out to be shit. assault on a police officer with a deadly weapon. carrying a concealed weapon. resisting arrest, disturbing the peace. public nuisance. i'll think up a few more and file the report tomorrow. come on, i gotta make a phone call. you stay with me. this is jack cates. any messages? elaine, look, i'm in the middle of sone stuff right now. i'm not gonna have time to come by. i don't know when i can get there. listen, goddamn it if you think i'm happy about it, you're nuts. i just gotta take care of a few things, okay? we're on the move. let's go. as they walk toward a corridor. yeah, well, my ass bleeds for you. and i didn't get you out so you could go on a goddamn "trim" hunt. stop moaning. we eat when i say we eat. yeah, i'm hungry too. i know of a place. let's go eat. there's your god-damn dinner. now, let's go. just get in the car and keep your mouth shut. she's got the same complaint as half the goddamn population. she can't get the job she's trained for and it pisses her off. anyway, what the fuck do you care? now, where we goin', convict? i don't give out the details. last night. sure. then we had a fight this morning. i get the feeling it's going to be real long night. well? this part of town, they'll make us for heat the second we walk in. just back me up like you've got a piece. if they kick my ass, they'll sure as hell carve yours up. bullshit. attitude and experience get you through. you need five years training to handle a joint like. i got two problems. number one, i'm not playin' games. number two, you got nothin' to bet with. why? anybody that talks about women as much as you do probably can't get it up anyway. i'll tell you what happens if you lose. you tell the truth for once. you tell me what ganz busted out for, he's after a lot more than just gettin' out of jail. and whatever it is, you're part of it. the bet's off. i'm gonna enjoy this . here, i'll even loan you my badge. my kind of place. i always liked country boys. some of us citizens are with you all the way, officer. i think you got something for me. the gun you took off that redneck in there. while you're at it, you can give me the switchblade, too. credit cards? you did a real good job. guess you deserve a reward. i sure am. now let's go get us an indian. there. come on. police! nobody move! stay where you are! i said police. now drop the goddamn gun. okay, look, don't shoot. i'm just reachin' for my badge. naw, i'm the calm type. i know you don't want me to shoot you, and i know that you don't want to shoot me. shooting a cop puts you away for a long time. tell them it's cates, detective 31st district. then put your clothes on. if you don't answer some questions i'm taking both your asses in. now, let's cut out the crap, which one of you sees billy bear? you can do better than that. how about it? sounds like a real stormy romance. let's go. come on. this sucks. a maniac gets hold of my gun and goes all over the streets killing people with it. so, instead of me being where i oughta be, which is in bed giving my girl the high, hard one, i'm out here doing this shit, roaming around with some overdressed, charcoal-colored loser like you. you? don't make me laugh. you can't take care of shit. you've been dicking me around since we started on this turd-hunt. all you're good for is games. so far, what i got outta you is nothin'. luther knew more than he told me and so do you. now you better tell we what the fuck this is all about. i gave you 48 hours to come up with something and the clock's runnin' . who gives a goddamn what you think? you're just a crook that's got a weekendpass . you're not even a name anymore. just a spear- chucker with a goddamn number stenciled on the back of his prison fatigues. okay, reggie, i'm done playing around. i want to know what's going on and i'm going to beat the living shit out of you until you tell me. i guess the first thing i ought, to explain to you, nigger, is i fight dirty. now, you bastard, you going to tell me what's going on. do i have to kick the shit out of you some more. no, no. it's okay. i'm police. my gun and badge are over there. and i'm too fucking tired to raise my hands. i was following a lead. we rousted them. go up and sweet talk 'em. you can straighten it out. so do i. i'll file a report tomorrow. goes with the territory. yeah, right. you want to try again? they saved your ass, convict. i'll even put it in my report that way. wait a minute. you come clean or we're going to go again. right here, right now. how much? jesus. just tell me about the money. he's after your money. not likely, convict. depends on how things work out. i believe in the merit system. so far you haven't built up any points. where's the money? right, partner. yeah. right. where's the goddamn car? for three years? let's hope it wasn't a tow-away zone. okay, now what? you son of a bitch. you knew where the money was all along and all we had to do was come here and wait. i almost got my ass blown off twice tonight for nothing. shit. i don't want you sleeping on the job. you took a big chance, leaving this here all this time. guess what? luther just got in line. musta got some primo bondsman. didn't know you darker people went in for foreign jobs. you'd think the guy'd be smart enough to know he was being tailed. if i was his size and had ganz on my ass, i'd just leave town. oh, yeah, does bein' in love make you stupid? i suppose you'd never be like luther and let a woman get to you. that ain't philosophy. that's common sense. if they don't tell me what i need to know. i'm not in this 'cause it's fun. i'm not into hitting guys 'cause it makes me feel good either. i do it 'cause it works-. maybe luther hopes ganz'll give him a piece of your money. yeah, it doesn't look like he's gonna make it as a dangerous tough guy. what you don't understand is, i don't give a damn about how this thing looks. class isn't somethin' you buy, punk. look at you, five hundred dollar suit and you're still a lowlife. yeah, most cops are pretty dumb. but since you're the one that landed in jail what's that make you? that goddamn suit is yours? right. if you ever switch from armed robbery to pimping, then you're all set. you stay with me. running for the doors. no! no! there they are! i'm a policeman, you asshole! shit. i lost them, that's what happened. they ran. as fast as they could. caught a train. the indian. i was about 30 yards away. right. i screwed up. i fucked up. i messed up. anybody could have done better, especially you. i bet you're real good at hitting targets through crowds. i didn't have the time. so do you. been a long day. aw, bullshit, you heard wrong. nothing came in for me yet? no calls? hello. yeah, okay. i'll be in tomorrow. that's right, you can depend on it. okay? bullshit red tape. i got to wait for a call. you motherfucker, where are you? elaine! i. i'm sorry. i was expecting somebody else. police business. no, it's i'm just surprised you called. look, i'm sorry about . the way things have been lately. i know i haven't been acting real great. what? jesus christ. why the hell didn't you tell me before? the number . what's the goddamn number? elaine, i gotta put you on hold. just a second, that's all! hammond. you son of a bitch, where are you? i'll be there in a minute. you don't move your ass, right? oh, shit. where's luther? hello. and goodbye. what about luther? we missed. maybe we should pay luther a visit. so you took the rest of the night off. tell me something. why didn't you just take the money off luther and split? i don't know why, but i'm going to let you keep it. maybe because you told me you had it, or maybe just because i'm too tired to argue. thanks for callin' in. and i guess maybe. look, i'm sorry i called you watermellon nigger. those kinds of things. i was just leanin' on ya, doin' my job. yeah. guess not. yeah, i see her. hurry back. hi, it's me. that was quick. why? yeah. it missed the last four stops. looks up as glass shards sparkle down. goddamn! goddamn! goddamn! he's got more brains and more guts in one corner of his asshole than any cop i've worked with. i'm taking my prisoner back to jail. i had it impounded. come on, we'll use it for haulin' you back to the slam. i don't know about you, but i could use a drink. i'll buy you one. it'll be my good-bye present. naw, you didn't let me down. it was a long shot all the way. we gave 'em a good run at it. don't worry about it. hiya, kid. don't. we've had a hard night. we and my pal here have been taking it on the chin for the last few hours. i've been better. dead end. no ganz, no indian. i gotta call the station. don't run off anywhere, okay? i've already got enough to worry about. in the phone booth. is there any report . no . just tell me. nothing. yeah i figured. okay, sure. nothing. no sign of ganz. no sign of the indian. airport's clean. train station. bus station. docks. shit. how do you know? yeah, well the only woman of the indian's we ran into was shacked up with her dyke girlfriend. i guess she went with him before she came outta the closet . they both looked mad enough to kill him. come on, they were a little old for a slumber party. so what? hey, come on, shrink time's over. they wouldn't go see some old girlfriend. it's the only thing we got. whaddya think? let's go, reggie. if she's right, and if you don't screw up. i've got to play it rough with them. if they know anything, i'm gonna know it. whatever play i maker just back me up. sure, i'll give you a shot at it, but ganz is mine. you know, that big indian plays it for keeps. partnership? let's just do it. i hear you've got visitors. no time for any of that crap any more, lady. i'll rip your lungs out if you don't answer fast. you and the other one, you're still billy's girls. you always were his girls. you're gonna help us take him. he can live or die . you let us in and he's got a chance to make it. otherwise, he gets ventilated. where's ganz? looks like you're gonna get your chance. dives down the fire escape. following ganz, holding him in sight, but unable to get a shot off. comes toward where he expects to find ganz. ganz has his arm around hammond's throat and his gun to his ear. i don't think you're gonna make it. sure. you're done. end of story. mine. you okay? you did pick a real strange time to go and be brave all on your own. usual bullshit. you make one smart move and everybody wants to be your friend. you know somethin', shootin' guys sucks. especially compared to this. yeah, bein' a hard-ass all the time is a real drag, but it works. three more hours. promised i'd turn my back while he. ah, never mind. he's takin' care of the same business i'll be takin' care of - soon as i dry off. that's what i always say. okay, reggie, start bustin' my chops. tell me how great you were with that chick. i guess this is what you want to talk about. all the pretty money that's inside here. there's nothin' to talk about. it's your money. it'll be here in six months when you get out. that's right. not my style, reggie. no, you don't. if i ever get word of you steppin' over the line again, i'm gonna ventilate that suit of yours. thanks.