yeah, there goes the neighborhood. maybe you shoulda stole a better truck, tonto. firewater, tonto? is that what you. smiling, fires twice. but the range is too great for pistol work. hefts his weapon. come on. you know something? i'm having a real good time. how hot are they? how ya doin'? we got a lot to talk about. we'll follow you. take it slow,okay? i want to drive awhile. maybe after we get done with him i'm gonna buy us some girls. pros. yeah, dummy. money. it's better when you pay. they let you do anything. just do what i say, okay? we'll pay for the girls and have a good time. don't you trust me? using the telephone at an outdoor booth a few feet beyond the bench. surprise, luther. i want the money, asshole, what do you think? the money that reggie hid. you want that indian to snap her neck? instead of worryin' about reggie, you better worry about me. billy, go ahead, break it. when? you chickenshit punk. i always liked you, luther. you were always a lotta fun to hang out with. we're gonna keep her. you try to mess with us or go to the cops, i promise you, i'll put holes in her you wouldn't believe. nice place, huh? maybe that's where i'm gonna cut your throat. we need some rooms for a couple of nights. okay? i want her young. and tall. nice legs. legs are important. then, real thin. yeah. no jeans-a dress? a nice summer dress. you know i want her fresh. i'll tell you why, because i been hoein' weeds and makin' license plates for a couple of years. yeah, i know you don't get it. and i need one more for my pal. yeah. make her an indian. no, not a turban, you know, a squaw. takes the photograph back from billy and slips it into his jacket pocket. walden hotel. third near broadway. tell them to ask for . uh. g.p. polson. p.o.l.s.o.n. just be a couple of hours. put them next door, okay. keep your filthy ideas to yourself, lady. shut up. shut up. now ask who it is. come on, ask. stall. keep stallin'. slides across the floor. he'll blow her goddamn head off. his eyes catch algren's. you. drop it and we won't kill her. now, tell him to drop his goddamn piece. kick it over here. get the car. your gun's just like mine. what are you talking about? we didn't kill her . open your coat. both sides. first, the money. just show me. what are you talkin' about? i said i wouldn't hurt her. i never break my word. smashes a side window with the two handguns. drop it. you come up against me, you're gonna lose. hey, cop, come on. l got something for ya. come on. after i get outta this, cop. i'm gonna live forever. whaddya mean. i got your gun . i got his money. i got everything. he won't try it. he's a fucking chickenshit cop. they're all fucking wimps, right, cates? okay, cop . give me your gun and i'll let him live. come on, cates, you're real good at giving up your gun. i got hit. i can't believe it. i got shot. i ain't gonna beg for my life. it ain't cool.