cates, i'll need to see you in five minutes, exactly five. d'you read me, cates. get in here, cates. damn you, cates . get in here. yeah, i read the report. jack, come on, there is an official department policy about cop killings. cop killers represent a special priority because any man crazy enough to kill a cop is a greater threat to an unarmed civilian. in other words, we can't seen like we're in the revenge business. i know, we all know the truth's a little different. anthing botherin' you besides losin' your gun? you might be more of a team player and a little less of a hot dog on this one, jack. okay. you're not a team player. you gotta do things your own way. fine. nail this guy and make us all look good. but you better watch your ass. if you screw up, i can promise you, you're goin' down. jack? try not to get your ass shot to pieces. we got enough dead cops on this one. cates. what the bell happened? how did they get away? which one pulled the trigger? you couldn't get to him? what a screw-up. don't duck the bullet cates. why didn't you call in for backup instead of makin' a grandstand play? too bad, it would've covered your ass. now you're in the shit and so's the department. in case you haven't noticed, this wasn't our finest hour. i told you everyone was watchin' on this one. maybe you better start thinkin' about writin' tickets off a three wheel bike. a bus, you goddamn whiskey mick cop, you lost a stolen bus. we got five deaths related to ganz, all of 'em law enforcement related, and you blow it for a lousy nigger convict. that's rights i called him a nigger. you bet i did . i saw the report on that little piece of shit. if he spent one legal day in his whole life, it'd be a record. this is it for you. suspension, review board. you've had it. when it gets 'round you protect a con rather than nail a cop killer. just cause you say it with conviction don't mean shit to me. how you gonna take to a pink slip, huh?. where the christ do you think you're going? go fuck yourself convict.